
41 Delegate responsibility and authority. Ensure that the Chapter Member is given the relevant responsibility and authority to complete the task. Let them complete the task in the manner they choose, their expertise is at work here. Provide support, guidance and instructions. Point delegates toward the resources they may need to complete the task or project. Resources may include people they need to coordinate with including Chapter Leaders, crucial information or financial resources. Request progress reports or updates. Chapter Officers should request to be updated on the progress of the task or schedule routine meetings and provide assistance when necessary. When requesting updates, try not to be intrusive, as this can be perceived as a lack of trust. Open communication lines and regular meetings will allow for feedback to flow in both directions. Provide constructive criticism to correct poor performance. If progress is unsatisfactory, do not take the project back immediately. Rather, Chapter Leaders can continue to work with the Chapter Member and ensure they understand the event and are taking full ownership of the task. Advice on ways to improve ensures accountability and dependability throughout the life of the engagement with the Chapter. Evaluate and recognize good performance. Results should be evaluated more than methods. Chapter Leaders can analyze the cause of insufficient performance for improvements, but it is important to recognize successes as soon as possible. Chapter events are put on by volunteers—Chapter Members are volunteers— and so showing gratitude goes a very long way. Chapter Leaders can consider providing feedback on their assistance via a recommendation on LinkedIn or writing a formal thank-you note.