
37 donations, such as food, drinks, meeting space rentals. It is important to develop relationships with community businesses when designing this type of recurring event. • Tailgates and athletics. Many Chapters are active on campuses with a vibrant athletics community. Big football schools may be a great place to organize a Chapter tailgate. Again, building a relationship with the Athletics Department on campus or with the Alumni Association or Athletics Boosters organization may prove useful in this type of programming. Some Chapters have arranged “Military Appreciate Game” events. Chapter Meetings There are three common types of meetings: regular Chapter meetings, ad hoc/planning meetings, and open meetings/town halls. For a successful meeting, set a date/time/space, announce the meeting through the member distribution list, circulate an agenda, and distribute a follow-up message. Chapter Leaders should establish a regular meeting schedule at the beginning of each term to discuss Chapter business and plan Chapter activities, events, and programs. Records should be maintained for all meetings in the form of agendas and minutes. Most meetings will have similar components: • Scheduling of meeting and reservation of meeting space. • Initial announcement of the meeting day/time. • Circulation of a draft agenda several days in advance of the meeting. • Reminder announcement. • Meeting, convened by Chapter Officer, following the approved agenda, recorded by note-taker or minute-taker; and • Summary of edited minutes sent out to meeting attendees/members. Meeting agendas will vary depending on the purpose of the meeting, however clear goals for the meeting are appropriate to set in place before the meeting begins, such as what needs to be discussed or accomplished and what is expected of each person in attendance. Regular Meetings Usually more frequent, regular Chapter meetings will be convened by the Chapter President at a regular time and place, follow a standard format, and provide a venue for the group’s discussion of Chapter programs and ongoing business. All Chapter Officers are highly suggested to attend regular meetings. Regular meetings have an agenda created and shared in draft form in advance so that Chapter Officers can make additions or amendments. During the meeting, minutes are taken then shared by the Vice President of Communications or another designee. Transparency suggests that minutes and/or a meeting summary be sent to the Chapter Member list and that, even if closed to Chapter Officers, agendas and minutes are available upon request. Finally, regular meetings have a clear start and end time. Other student leaders, special guests, or campus administrators may occasionally be invited to regular meetings. Ad-hoc and Planning Meetings In addition to regular meetings, Chapter Officers will frequently call ad hoc or planning meetings. These meetings are called as needed and are typically coordinated based on the availability of attendees. Planning meetings that are held in a series for large events may use the agenda/minute format just as regular meetings do. These documents can then be used in regular meetings to report planning updates.