
31 Final team meeting. The goals of this meeting will vary based on what was accomplished in individual meetings and during the handover process. The primary responsibility of the outgoing leadership team is to systematically confirm that they have handed over all necessary resources to the incoming leadership team. The secondary responsibility of the outgoing leadership team is to make themselves available for questions and to offer final words of advice. The leadership team is highly encouraged to prepare for this meeting and execute it systematically, using a checklist, for instance. The responsibility of the incoming leadership team is to have reviewed all relevant documents and resources thoroughly prior to the meeting and to come prepared with any questions or final “to-dos.” Additionally, this meeting may be used to walk-through the year-at-a-glance with the incoming team, to discuss the logistics and planning timetable for any large-scale events, to test and confirm any passwords, and to establish parameters and expectations for future communications. Chapter Update. The new Chapter Leadership Team should submit a Chapter update to National Headquarters within two weeks of the election results. This allows new Chapter Leaders to receive updates on the various opportunities for them and their members. Example Incoming Leadership Team Checklist. o Share contact information (all incoming Chapter Leaders, outgoing Chapter Leaders, Chapter advisor) o Set up a minimum of two handover meetings: • Outgoing Chapter Leaders (all) with incoming Chapter Leaders (all) • Outgoing officer (by role) with incoming officer (by role) o Assume control/verify control of all Chapter banking accounts and budgets o Review all Chapter founding documents, student organization paperwork, and budgets. o Review all role-specific documents o Inform SVA of the change in leadership by completing the Chapter Update Form o Test and confirm all passwords and accounts o Inventory all Chapter keys, pass cards, supplies and other equipment o Initiate contact or follow up (email or meeting) with the Chapter advisor, the appropriate student life contact, the veterans resource center and/or SCO, and any other significant school or community contacts o Confirm student organization status or application procedure for upcoming year o Send an introductory email to all relevant lists (member lists, student veterans) o Update and review/clean all social media accounts o Set up a minimum of two initial leadership planning meeting (typically one in the Spring, and one at the beginning of the academic year). These meetings should, at some point, include the following: • Discuss expectations for SVA meeting types, frequency, locations and possible schedules • Review and update the status of any old/ongoing business • Confirm individual officer handovers and introductions are complete • Confirm division of labor for general operations (minutes, emails, agendas) • Review and discuss Chapter Strategic Plan as a group (if revisions needed, make a plan to do so at a later date) • Review and discuss Chapter Mission as a group (if revisions needed, make a plan to do so later) • Review and discuss Chapter by-laws (if revisions needed, make a plan to do so later) • Discuss individual and group priorities for upcoming year/brainstorm • Update/create master calendar for upcoming academic year • Review existing budget information and funding status as a group (if revisions needed, make a plan to do so later)