
29 at the end for more complex issues. The agenda should be a strict guide to respect the time of Chapter Members. Agenda topics should be introduced with a comment about the reason for its inclusion on the agenda. A full discussion of each topic should be allowed, while Chapter Leaders are mindful of the schedule. A good idea is to close discussion of each topic with plans for future action. Maintaining Meeting Minutes. The agenda is a useful tool for the Vice President of Communications and Marketing to organize meeting minutes. Notes, particularly action items or decisions, are wise to note in minutes for historical records. Membership Rolls and Contact List Chapters can develop membership rolls and contact lists by simply placing a sign-in sheet at the door during Chapter meetings. Chapters can also leverage relationships with university administrators to access student lists for sending out information. Organizationally, it may be a good opportunity to tailor these lists to specific markets. Student veterans do not always require, nor are always interested in, the same messages as partners, administrators, and others. A separate list for each type of media is helpful, but subscribers should have a mechanism with which to disenroll or quit receiving messages. Event Calendar Chapter event calendars often align with the academic year. Whether the university operates on a quarter or semester basis, calendar events are grouped by term and begin with the fall. They include scheduled federal and university holidays as well as important university dates, such as registration, drop dates, graduation application deadlines, and graduation. Chapter-specific events and anniversaries are also included, such as meetings. These calendars can be distributed to Chapter Members every fall, posted on the Chapter website, and added to communications, such as the newsletter. Having an organized event calendar ensures that programming runs efficiently and effectively and allows Chapter Leaders to plan logistics for events well in advance. Grant or Funding Documents Any documents associated with funding are often required to be kept on file for a specific amount of time according to university guidelines. These include grant applications, checks, invoices, and receipts. Chapter Leaders should check with the body responsible for registered student organizations for guidelines. Letters of Support, Awards, Recognition Chapters are often recognized either by their university, the global network, partners, or other organizations. It is important to keep and maintain these forms of recognition to continue to add to the Chapter’s story. Scanned copies of letters and certificates maintained on an online drive ensures they are not lost during transition or eroded over time. Chapter Leader Transitions Leadership transition is a time-intensive process made smoother by beginning this handover well in advance, beginning soon after elections. The timing of elections is an important consideration in this process to maximize the transition period, the period between the election of a new leadership team and the formal handover of responsibilities. Full team meeting. The goal of this meeting, which includes the entire incoming and outgoing executive boards, is to establish a timeline and agree on a structure for the rest of the leadership transition, as well