
2 Dear Chapter Leaders, Since the founding of Student Veterans of America (SVA), our community of Chapter Leaders has consistently sought to increase accessibility to higher education and positive outcomes for those following in their footsteps. This Chapter Guide is a culmination of more than a decade of feedback and insight on the tools, techniques, and tactics to manage a successful and sustainable student veteran organization, what we call an SVA Chapter, at your campus. This guide is designed to elevate the experience of veterans and military-affiliated students in higher education and enhance the long-term outcomes of being engaged with SVA. Chapters are the heart of SVA, and we hope to see you excel in your service to your fellow students and your campus community. With strong leadership and the proper tools, we have seen new Chapters become prevalent on campus and existing Chapters enhance their commitment to excellence. The task of a Chapter Leader is no small challenge, but your reward will be immense. It is impossible to reference all that encompasses your leadership role in this guide, but we hope it will aid you as you build a foundation for success. Here are a couple notes to help you understand this Chapter Guide: • When we say “university,” we mean any higher education institution. You may also notice that we say “college,” “school,” or “institution.” We use all of these interchangeably. • This guide provides many recommendations but no prescriptive actions. How you operate your SVA Chapter is your decision, so long as you are following the rules and guidance for registered student organizations set by your university. It is our sincere hope that you feel more prepared to be an effective leader for your chapter after reading this guide and implementing best practices therein. Your dedication to serving the student veterans, militaryaffiliated students, families, and allies who make up SVA is inspiring. As your knowledge of our organization and your responsibilities grow, we hope you will provide us with feedback for those who are just beginning on this journey. Thank you for your commitment and service as a leader in this global organization, and as an engaged leader in your community. Respectfully, Dr. Abby Kinch, PhD Vice President of Programs and Services Student Veterans of America National Headquarters