
17 • Work closely with the Vice President of Programs and Member Development on all career and professional development events and programs. • Use the Chapter strategic plan to identify potential programs, resources, and opportunities related to career readiness and professional development. • Develop and maintain a functional relationship with college/university Career Services Office and National Headquarters. • Raise awareness of Career Services and related resources and services that are available to student veterans and encourage student veterans to use respective resources and services. • Plan, coordinate, and execute all Chapter programming and events related to career readiness and professional development in partnership with the Vice President of Programs and Member Development. • Track and report attendance and/or performance outcomes and engagement for student veterans utilizing the Career Services Office. • Maintain success stories in career placement after graduation to help tell the important story of your Chapter. • Assess and build cultural competency training related to job seeker interests and skillsets of student veterans through their transition from the military, through education, and into the workforce. • Expose Chapter Members to professional development and career opportunities available through Career Services Office, National Headquarters, and their partners, and with companies and organizations that are committed to hiring and developing student veteran talent. Disability Services Liaison The Disability Services Liaison connects student veterans with services on campus for students with disabilities. Almost 60 percent of student veterans identified as having a service-connected disability, but that utilization of campus resources, such as disability services offices, was near zero even though 80 percent of these students experience academic stress because of their disability. While traditional students with chronic disabilities have become accustomed to seeking interventions and accommodations to lessen the impact of their disability on the higher education experience, those with newer disabilities, including student veterans with service-connected disabilities, are unaware of the benefits of requesting accommodations, if they are aware that disability services exist on campus. Beyond that, there exists a stigma with the admission of having a disability within the student veteran population. Disability Services Liaisons connect student veterans with accommodations for physical, emotional, and cognitive disabilities that are service-connected or that manifested after service. These accommodations lower barriers to academic success and enhanced the college experience for these student veterans. Further these liaisons use peer leadership to normalize the help-seeking behavior that is commonly unfamiliar to veterans. The responsibilities of the Disability Services Liaison include, but are not limited to: • Maintain regular contact with all disability services administrators on campus and familiarize yourself with the various services that exist on campus. • Create and maintain a list of all disability services and personnel on campus and disseminate to all student veterans on campus with a service-connected disability. • . • Promote help-seeking behavior among student veterans with disabilities and encourage them to utilize services when needed. • • Work with the Dean of Students to increase awareness of disability services during transfer student orientation Advocate for the hiring of a school psychologist with a background in treating PTSD and military serviceconnected disabilities if your school does not have one Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Liaison The Diversity and Inclusion Liaison stems from conversation trends with chapters over the past three years, where many chapter leaders ask (1) how they can make their chapters more inclusive and (2) how they can be a part of the diversity and inclusion conversations on campus, as a representative of an underrepresented population on campus. More recently, following the death of George Floyd in May