
11 Chapter Application A prospective SVA Chapter must first establish the group with SVA National Headquarters on the SVA website. The information below will help facilitate the group in getting started on the path to establishing a student veteran organization, and sustainable success. Once these steps are completed, groups will be ready to apply for Chapter membership. Step 1: Identify Your “Why”. To establish a healthy organization, it is important to understand the purpose of your chapter along with the key elements of creating a student veteran organization, and the best practices for managing a Chapter. SVA’s summer program, the Regional Summit, holds curriculum created to serve as a guide for these initial steps. It contains guidance on establishing a mission statement, creating a strategic plan and budget, as well as helpful advice from our National Headquarters executive team. Step 2: Connect with the Community. Chapters connect student veterans, administrators, community organizations, and other student groups. Connecting with these stakeholders will help gauge interest and gain support for Chapter mission. Tap into existing networks on campus to raise awareness of the student veteran experience and the group. Forming a healthy relationship with school administrators can also help in the long run. Chapters are also required to identify a Chapter Advisor. This role is described in detail above. Step 3: Establish a Network. National Headquarters requests two points of contact: the “Chapter Leader” (generally the Chapter’s president) and the “Chapter Advisor.” These are the points of communication between National Headquarters and the individual members of the chapter. Although SVA only asks for these contacts, we like to connect with any in officer positions or those seeking an officer position. The programs offered at the national level are designed to elevate the management of chapters from each position of leadership. Internally to the chapter, we recommend organizing a roster or contact list for all chapter members, as well as contacts on campus and neighborhood communities who have expressed interest in supporting the group. Creating these channels to facilitate a network will help streamline communications within the student veteran organization. Also, during this phase, the group should be applying for recognition as an official student organization on campus. All SVA Chapters must be recognized as an official student organization on their respective campus. Every institution is different, so connect with Student Life administration—or other office, appropriate for the institution—for specific details on how to complete this process. Step 4: Set the Standard. To further streamline organization activities, it is important to create a governing document, such as a constitution or set of bylaws. This is a prerequisite to becoming an official Chapter and will also establish the structure within which the student veteran organization will function. The governing document should include information on the scope of the organization’s mission, as well as details on membership requirements and meeting frequency. The content of governing documents will vary by campus but reviewing these bylaws will be useful in drafting the organization’s own unique document. Step 5: Apply for SVA Membership. The application will be reviewed by an SVA team member and a decision sent within one-to-two business days. Upon approval, a welcome email will be sent to all points of contact with some useful information and resources. Applications are available on the SVA website at Delay in assigning Chapter status Certain circumstances may delay or preclude the registration, such as: • The institution’s accreditation is suspended or unstable.