
9 • Planning Chapter events and promoting SVA on campus. • Encouraging the Chapter’s attendance at university functions. • Communicating effectively with the active membership, the university, community partners, and National Headquarters. • Setting and evaluating Chapter goals annually. The exact organizational structure, definition of roles, and responsibility of Chapter Leaders will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the Chapter and the scope of its mission, any relevant school or campus policies, and individual Chapter preferences and individual skills. The suggested leadership positions described in detail below are designed to mirror the executive leadership roles at National Headquarters for ease of guidance and assistance. Position descriptions are described in the Chapter Leaders section below, and success themes for the suggested positions are described in Appendix A. Chapter Advisor Chapters are required to have at least one school staff or faculty member who has agreed to serve as the Chapter Advisor. While some Chapters operate with minimal input from their Chapter Advisor, these Chapters are missing out on one of the most impactful relationships the Chapter can have. Chapter Advisors are the link between the Chapter and the school administration. Suggested Chapter Advisor responsibilities include, but are not limited to: • Facilitating communications between Chapter Leaders and university administration. • Being available to assist Chapter Officers in membership recruitment, Chapter Officer installation/transition and Chapter meetings. • Assisting with Chapter events and communications. • Assisting the Chapter in setting and evaluating goals annually. The most effective Chapters cultivate excellent relationships with their Chapter Advisors. To maintain this relationship, it is important to communicate with your Chapter Advisor clearly, effectively, and consistently. Selecting a Chapter Advisor. Chapter Leaders should consider a faculty or staff member who has or is willing to acquire knowledge of the institution’s student veteran and military-connected population. When selecting an advisor, adhere to the requirements of the institution as some may stipulate specific expectations for who may fill that role or what that role entails. It is also possible that the Chapter will have multiple staff or faculty advisors – a university advisor appointed to student organizations by the school and a Chapter Advisor selected by the Chapter Leaders. The Role of a Chapter Advisor. Oftentimes, the role of the Chapter Adviser is established by the accredited institution to which the Chapter belongs. Where not explicitly outlined, this role should be designed under the guidance of applicable university policies. The first meeting between the Chapter Leaders and a Chapter Advisor is to establish clear and mutually-agreed-upon expectations and prioritize regular and clear communication. Chapter Advisors maintain continuity where Chapter Leaders turnover generally every year by overseeing the Chapter Leadership turnover process discussed below. The role of the Chapter Advisor can be as involved as much or as little as the Chapter Leaders desire. The selected advisor is recommended to act as a mentor and connect the Chapter within the institution, providing guidance within the Chapter as well. The advisor is also recommended to maintain contact with National Headquarters and be available to attend events such as NatCon and Regional Summits. A Chapter Advisor is invited into the role by the Chapter and serves at its discretion. Apart from the authority conferred by their professional position as school employees, Chapter Advisors hold no authority or executive power over any aspect of Chapter operations, programs, or membership. Chapter Advisors who also serve as Veterans Resource Center staff, VA work-study managers, or other military- or veteran-related capacities brings a wealth of expertise and institutional knowledge to the role. In such cases, Chapter Advisors should make every effort to keep their roles distinct, and this distinction