Resume Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College • Career Services Resume/Cover Letter Guidelines 2022-2024 4 R ESUME F ORMATS There are three formats which are most commonly used: reverse-chronological, functional and combination. Select the format most appropriate for you: Reverse-Chronological Your education and experience are listed chronologically, in reverse order, with the most recent date first. Titles and organizations are emphasized and responsibilities/accomplishments are described. Because it is simple, to the point and easy to read, many employers prefer this format as it is the most traditional style. It is especially good for entry-level candidates. We recommend it for most candidates (See pages 12 & 13 for examples of chronological resumes). Functional This format highlights three or four major areas of skill and accomplishments and allows you to organize your experience by skills rather than experience. This gives you the flexibility to emphasize your skills and eliminate repetition of similar experiences. Someone who has employment gaps or little work experience, or perhaps has been out of work for a long time, may choose this style of resume. This format doesn’t include a specific work history or dates; however, employers may become “suspicious” when this information is eliminated. If you feel this may be the best format for you, make sure to discuss it with a WCC Career Counselor. Combination (Functional/Chronological) This format has elements of both the reverse chronological and functional formats. It highlights accomplishments under separate “skills” headings similar to the functional style, and experience or “work history” is listed chronologically with either no description or a very brief one. It includes the specific places you have worked as well as the dates you were employed, but does not highlight them. (See page 14 for an example of a Combination resume) There is no one resume style/format that is “right” for everyone. Choose the style that does the best job in presenting all your relevant qualities for the position and will most likely result in an interview.