Resume Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College • Career Services Resume/Cover Letter Guidelines 2022-2024 11 S UMMARY: K EY P HRASES C AN B E P OWERFUL • Enthusiastic; Optimistic • Analytical/quantitative and Critical Thinking skills • Good Problem Solver, ability to troubleshoot effectively • High energy level • Effective working as part of a team • Unique ability to help/facilitate others • A quick learner with ability to adapt to new challenges • Able to communicate well with a wide range of personalities • Skilled in developing rapport with all types of people/ good interpersonal skills • Resourceful; excellent research skills • Can be counted on to get the job done • Able to maintain focus and remain calm under demanding conditions • Take pride in achieving best possible results • Self-starter; Highly motivated; Goal oriented; Strong work ethic • Ethics and character of highest caliber • Detail oriented • Flexible/adaptable • Ability to present products/ideas persuasively and build rapport • Creative • Attentive to the completion of precise tasks and projects • Enjoy taking initiative beyond stated job • Sensitive to needs of others • Efficient and organized • Challenged by new tasks • Work well with deadlines • Excellent listener • Optimistic • Experienced in __________________ • Leadership skills/experience • Technical skills in ____________________; Computer literate; familiar with___________________ • Passion for ____________________ • Bilingual English/___________________________; Conversational __________________________ Ask friends, teachers or family who know you well to give you 2-3 positive adjectives that describe you. (You may be very pleasantly surprised!) See if they can be used as part of your “SUMMARY” Statement.