Resume Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College • Career Services Resume/Cover Letter Guidelines 2022-2024 10 I DENTIFY Y OUR S KILLS A skill is an ability you possess. You demonstrate your skills by your accomplishments. The key to a successful job campaign requires that you explain to a prospective employer what you do well and how your strengths are f benefit to the employer. When writing your resume, keep in mind the skills an employer might be looking for. Highlight the skills that best fit your job objective. Skills can be divided into three key areas: A. Transferable / Functional : Skills that enable you to relate to people, data and/or things. For example:  Communication/interpersonal  Managing/supervising/leadership  Analyzing/evaluating data, a problem or concept  Counseling/teaching/training  Organizing  Computer literacy  Creating  Critical thinking B. Self-Management : Skills related to the management of you in relation to others and/or the work environment. For example:  Coping with deadlines  Punctuality/reliability  Sense of humor  Emotional Intelligence  Attention to detail  Ability to follow through with a task to completion C. Content Specific : Skills that require specific training. For example:  Proficiency in specific computer programs or software knowledge  Accounting, Education, Science, Engineering, Healthcare  Proposal writing, creating art or design projects  Teaching in a specific subject or content area  Fluency in a foreign language Can you identify your skills? Make a list to help you when writing your resume: Fu ctional/Transferable: Self-Management: Content Specific: