Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 9 Nowtry formulating answers to the followingcommonlyasked interviewquestions: 1. Whydoes our company/organization interest you? _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Whydidyou choose yourparticular career field? _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Tellmeabout your interests andactivities. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Whydidyouchoose thismajor? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Whatdo youexpect fromthis job? _______________________________________________________________________ 6. What do you feel youhave tooffer this company/organization? ______________________________________________________________________ Knowing who you are and what you want and being able to clearly articulate that to the interviewer is your goal. The questions you have just answered are important ones. When enumerating your strengths, think of at least one example from your background to support each item on your list. Supporting your strengths with examples is more convincing to the employer than just the statement alone.