Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 8 INTERVIEWING SELF-ANALYSIS Analyze your strengths andweaknesses, your background, your academic performance, your career interests, and your personal aspirations andvalues. Inotherwords, begin to formulate, in yourmind, not onlywhat you would like to do but alsowhat you feel you are best prepared to do. Many job candidates sell themselves in a very ineffectivemanner. Self-confidence is the best thing you can take with you to the interview. To gainconfidence and identify your achievements, trydeveloping answers to the questions below. Finish the statement belowwith asmanypositive qualities that youcan thinkof. I am… Now sort through the list and identify five qualities of which you are most proud. Then take some time to complete this statement. I demonstratedmy (positive quality)when I… These specific achievements are proof that you are what you say you are and will set you apart fromother job candidates.