Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 5 Other Types of Interviews College Many colleges offer admissions interviews to prospective students before the formal application review process. Some colleges arrange for alumni to conduct interviews at locations closer to prospective students. This type of interview is intended to give a representative of the college an opportunity to meet candidates and get a sense of who they are beyond the facts on an admissions application. Not the details, but an overall impression. This is a valuable opportunity to get the admissions committee to see what makes you unique and interesting, as well as an opportunity to ask questions about the school and communicate what you would like them to know about you. Dress is generally business casual, comfortable, but giving the impression that you are taking the interview seriously. The secret to doing well is to practice. Here are some typical questions you might be asked on a college interview:  Why do you want to attend our university?  What is your strongest/weakest point?  What have you done to prepare for your transition to a four- year college?  What has been your greatest experience at Westchester Community College?  What do you want to do in the future?  Tell me about yourself. (You should focus on about three things.) Why should we select you?  Tell me about your interests.  Tell me about your involvement in extracurricular activities. What do you plan to do with your free time once enrolled here?  What do you think about (insert a current event of the past week)?  What is your favorit e book? Who is your favorite author?  Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?  If you could meet any important figure in the past or present, who would it be and what would you talk about?  How will you handle the pressure or workload?  How would you describe yourself as a student? Practicing the questions ahead of time will give you a huge advantage and will help you be more relaxed and confident. Informational Information interviews are opportunities to talk with industry professionals to gain insight into a specific career field, organization or career area. The purpose of an informational interview is NOT to ask for a job but to gather information. You will also be making very important contacts for the future when you are in the job search. This kind of interview can help clarify career choice, how to look for a job in a specific industry and what skills and training are important. The idea is to learn from successful professionals in the field and get advice on how you should proceed with your own plan to succeed. Detailed information on how to set up informational interviews, steps involved as well as a list of questions are in the Appendix.