Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 34 Additional Behavioral Questions Describe a situation inwhichyouwere able topersuade some to your point of view Describe a timewhenyouwere facedwith a stressful situation Giveanexampleof a timewhenyouset a goal andwereable tomeet or achieve it. Describe a timewhenyouhad todealwith adifficult customer. Howdidyouhandle it? Howdo you typicallydeal with conflict? Giveme anexampleof a timewhenyou tried to accomplish something and failed. Give a specific example of a policy you conformed to with which you did not agree. Give me an example of an important goal which you had set in the past and tell me about your success in reaching it. Describe an instance when you had to think on your feet to get out of a difficult situation.