Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 31 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEWQUESTIONS 1. In the position you holdnow, what is a typical day like? 2. What are themost interesting aspects of your job? 3. What were some of the previous jobs you held that led to this position? 4. What skills are critical for this position? 5. How longwould you say it takes tomove fromone step to the next in this field? 6. What would you say are themost important qualities/skills onemust possess in order to achieve success in this field? 7. What types of training do companies offer in this field? 8. What experience / background / training are necessary for this job?What is your educational background? 9. What is the salary range for a person entering this field? 10. What aspects of this job do you enjoy, dislike? 11. Is there any special advice youwould give to someone entering this field? 12. Howdo you feel the field is changing? 13. Can you describe the kind of work your job involves? 14. What would you like to change about your job? These are some suggested questions, but feel free to create your own. You don’t have to ask all the questions, just those important to you.