Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 30 What is the worst thing that can happen? They can say "no." So what. Move on to the next person. Almost everybody says yes. Most people love to talk about themselves andmost people love to share their expertisewith students just getting started. 4. Conduct the Interview Dress appropriately, arrive on time, be polite and professional. Refer to your list of prepared questions; stay on track, but allow for spontaneous discussion. Before leaving, ask your contact to suggest names of otherswhomight be helpful to you and ask permission to use his/her namewhen calling these newcontacts. 5. WhatQuestionsDoIAskOnAnInformational Interview? There are 5essential questions toask. 1. What doyouactuallydoonyour jobonaday today basis? 2. What doyou likemost/least about your job? 3. Howdidyouget thisposition? 4. What advicecanyougiveme? 5. Whoelse canyoureferme to formore information? 6. FollowUp Immediatelyafter the interview, analyzeandrecord the informationandhowit relates toyourcareer goals Don'tforgettosendathankyouletter.Followupinamonthorsoandletthemknowhowyourjobsearch is going. REMEMBER: You may not ask for a job on an informational interview. This would be dishonest. Ask for informationonly.