Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 28 QUESTIONSYOUMIGHTASKDURINGA JOB INTERVIEW What is the top priority for the personwho accepts this position? What are the day-to-day expectations and responsibilities of this position? What are the long term goals? Howwill my performance bemeasured, bywhomandhowoften? Does the organization support ongoing training and education for employees? Howwouldmywork be evaluated? What do you see as the biggest challenge for the personwho assumes this position? Where does this position / department fit into the organization? Towhomwould I report? Who are the primary people I will beworkingwith? What are some of the problems I might encounter? Howhave other students/employees functioned in this position? What are the opportunities for growth and advancement? Howdid this position become available? What kindof training should I expect? What hours anddayswill be needed for this position? Howwould you describe the ideal candidate for this position? What happened to the last personwho had this position? What do you like best about working here? DON'TASKABOUTSALARYAND/ORBENEFITS (flextime, promotion, vacation, raises, tuition etc.), UNTILYOUAREOFFEREDTHE JOB. Sometimes this informationwill be offered to you. IFOFFEREDAPOSITION, BE SURE IT IS CLEARTOYOUWHAT SALARYANDBENEFITSARE OFFERED.