Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 26 FREQUENTLYASKEDJOBINTERVIEWQUESTIONS How would you describe yourself? What do you think that you can contribute to our company that wouldmake us want to hire you?? What qualities do you feel are important for this position? Why do you want to work for our company? What do you think it takes to be successful in this company? What skills do you have that prepare you for this position? What motivates you to go the extra mile on a project? What position have you held that had the most responsibilities? Describe in detail and walk through what a typical day/week was like for you. What are your long term career objectives- how do you plan to achieve them? What are the most important rewards you expect to gain from your career? What led you to choose your particular field (or your academicmajor)? What are your greatest strengths? What about weaknesses? What qualifications do you have that will make you successful? What are three positive things your last boss would say about you? How would your professors describe you? How has your college coursework/training prepared you for this position? What were some of your favorite classes; your most memorable classroom experience, why? What skills have you acquired from your internships or part-time jobs? What have you learned from your college experiences outside of the classroom? Describe one of the biggest mistakes you made in college. What did you learn from that mistake? How has your past work experience prepared you for this position? Why do you think youwould like this particular type of job? What are themost important considerations for you in choosing a job? Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How did you resolve it? What accomplishments have given you the greatest satisfaction in your life? What characteristics would you look for in a good Manager?