Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 24 21. Don't criticizepresent or former colleagues, employers or supervisors 22. Don’t talk salaryorbenefitsuntil youhave beenoffered theposition 23. Thank the interviewer for his/her time 24. Quantifyyour responses; preparesuccess stories. Prepareexamplesofwhenyouuseda particular skill that youwant tohighlight. Includemeasurable informationandprovide detailsabout specificaccomplishmentswhendiscussingyour strengths. 25. Project yourself aspart of the team. Showthat youarealready thinking likeamemberof the team 26. Askperceptivequestions. The typesof questions youaskand thewayyouaskthemcan makeapositive impressiononthe interviewer. Goodquestions requirea lot of thinkingand planningbut can impact theoutcome. Writeout specificquestions youwant toaskbasedon your researchof the firmandknowledgeof the industry. The interviewisa timewhenthe intervieweraswell as the candidateevaluateeachother todetermine if there isagood match. 27. An interviewisaconversationso try toconsciouslymaintainanappropriate flow. Successful interviews requirepreparation. Getting the job that is thebest fit for you ishardworkand timeconsuming. Thinkabout youreffortsasanopportunity for you topositivelyaffect theoutcome.