Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 23 INTERVIEW TIPS AND REMINDERS Before going to an interview you must practice! An applicant who goes to an interview without preparing is like an actor performing without rehearsing. 1. Dress appropriately. Image andpresentation are as important aswhat you say. Sixty-five percent of themessage is nonverbal- gestures, physical appearance andattire are extremely important. 2. Be on time (nomore than 10 - 15minutes early). Call if you have a conflict or delay 3. Don't take a friend or relative along on the interview 4. Turn off your cell phone so it doesn’t distract you during the interview 5. Be sure to greet everyone youmeet including the Receptionist, with courtesy and respect. This iswhere youmake your first impression 6. Introduce yourself if you're not introduced 7. Give a firmhandshake at the beginning and close of the interview 8. Try to relax, smile, and showenthusiasm 9. Do not take a seat until invited to do so 10. Don't chewgum, smoke, eat/drink anything (even if someone offers) 11. Sit erect (back straight) but comfortably 12. Don't touch or place anything on the interviewer's desk 13. Listen carefully to questions or comments 14. Express yourself in complete sentences. Answer questions completely. Tell the interviewer about your accomplishments and training; be sincereanddirect 15. Maintain eye contact 16. Don’t discuss personal issues, family problems, religion, politics or anything controversial 17. Knowasmuch as you can about the company and job 18. Stress your strong points; job experience related to the job youwant, interests or hobbies related to the job, related training/education, etc. 19. Play down yourweaknesses - admit thembut try to indicate something positive - such as efforts to improve andgive examples 20. Answerquestionshonestly; never lie