Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 20 Evaluating your Effectiveness Use the worksheet below to help critique your performance after each interview Excellent Good Fair Needs work Overall impression: grooming, eye contact, body language, facial expressions Ability to express personal & career goals and interests bothpresent and future Ability to articulate positive qualities / strengths Ability to ask questions that demonstrate interest and knowledge Apparent honesty / sincerity Positive attitude / self-confidence Ability to listen to interviewers questions and answer appropriately Knowledge concerning the company Ability to obtain information from the interviewer Ability toexplainnon-positive factors inbackground Energy level /enthusiasm Ability to control interview Speech: voice, tone, pitch, speed, volume Follow-Up Phone Calls/Emails After the interview, it is important to follow up with a phone call or email to the employer to check on the status of your application. You should have asked, at the end of the interview, when they hope to make a decision. That will determine when to follow up with the employer. You should give at least 5-7 days before you contact them. Following up shows to the employer that you are interested in the position and gives you another chance to sell yourself to the employer. The method you use is determined by how you contacted them in the past, but the important issue here is that you follow up after every interview. Keep your follow up brief, to the point and professional. Focus on your “fit” for the position. You could ask if they need any additional information or offer