Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 18 THANK YOU LETTER GUIDELINES Date Your Name Address City, State Zip Email Name Title Company Address City, State Zip Dear Mr./Ms./Dr.___________: First Paragraph-  Thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration  Note anything you liked about the position or organization and how much you enjoyed the meeting Second Paragraph-  Sum up important qualifications you possess which make you a good candidate for the position (For example: “I believe my organizational skills would make me particularly effective in this position” or “I am quite interested in the management position as it will complement my coursework and allow me to use my strong leadership skills”)  Add new information about yourself, correct any misinformation given, reinforce your skills; this is your chance to mention anything helpful to your “sales pitch” that you forgot to say in the interview  Be enthusiastic and sincere with your comments Third Paragraph-  Thank the employer again for his/her time and interest in you as a candidate  Reiterate your interest in the position  Conclude with a statement like “I look forward to learning of your decision” or “I believe I can make a valuable contribution to your company and look forward to hearing from you” Sincerely, (your signature here) Your name typed here Send the letter/email immediately following the interview Keep it short and sweet (one page)- be sure to proof read for spelling and grammar