Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 15 Structure of the Job Interview Before the Interview Arrive on time; being late is not acceptable; take a trial run if needed Take a moment to breathe deeply and relax before you walk in the door. Perhaps stop in the restroom on the way to gather your thoughts for a moment and to check your appearance. Bepolite to everyone youmeet in the office, you never knowwho is included in the decisionmakingprocess. Make sure you have the correct name/title of the person with whom you will be meeting. Remember that you have passed the first test - resume review and/or phone screening What to Bring Bring extra copies of your resume on bond paper Bring a portfolio or other samples of your work Bring a list of references Bring your college transcript During the Interview Introduction Connect with your interviewer with a firm handshake and by maintaining eye contact throughout the interview Always address the interviewer formally (Mr., Ms., Dr.) unless told otherwise Be aware of your body language and facial expressions- Over 90% of the message we send is communicated through body language. Howyou say something is oftenmore important than what you say. We tend to give more credibility to nonverbal messages. Use body language to your advantage and project a positive impression:  Smile  Good, firm handshake  Make eye contact  Show energy and enthusiasm  Be sure you appear confident and attentive Question/Answer Phase Be conversational rather than recite facts and rehearsed answers Listen to the interviewer’s questions or remarks; don‘t interrupt Keep your answers concise and only answer the question that was asked. Avoid rambling or taking the lead fromthe interviewer Let the interviewer control the interview, but it is your responsibility to make sure the interviewer know you are the best person for the job.