Interviewing Guide

SUNY Westchester Community College  Career Services Interview Guidelines 2017-2019 12 Dress for Success Your choice of clothes and your overall appearance make a statement about you. Dress for the job you are seeking. A way to check the “look” of an organization is to check their promotional material. When in doubt, choose the conservative option, no loud or flashy items. Cleanliness and neatness are essential. TipsonDress andGrooming Theimpressionanemployerhasofyouisformedinthefirst 30seconds. Yourappearancecounts25%toward your success in getting a job. Therefore, care should be given to your total appearance fromhead to toe. Grooming... Groominginvolvesmanythings: -personal cleanliness -using a deodorant daily -cleanhair anda professional hairstyle and cut -acloseshave -moderatemakeup -clean teeth and fresh breath -short, evenly trimmed, cleannails, subtle polish -fresh, neat clothes -shoes cleaned, shinedand ingood repair -appropriate clothes Suggestions for howto "Dress for Success": Men - Conservative suit (navy, gray are preferred); loafer or lace-up shoes (black, cordovan, dark brown); socks (dark shade tomatch shoes or suit); tie (solid or small prints); shirt (solidcolor, whiteor blue) Women – Suit (solidnavy, brownor gray); conservativeor coordinatedskirt andblouse; shoes (mediumto low heel closed pump or flats); stockings (natural or muted tones); jewelry (simple button-sized pearls or metal earrings; no bangles onwrist or excessive rings); small purse As a general rule, DRESS CONSERVATIVELY! Keep in mind the position for which you are applying. Avoid extremes in style or color. No clothing should be tight or revealing and blue jeans should not be worn. An interview is usually not the place tomake a fashion statement. Whatever you wear, themessage you want to send is that you are a professional who is ready to get towork.