Financial Assistance Guide

Median Earnings and Tax Payments of Full-Time Year-RoundWorkers Age 25 and Older, by Education Level, 2018 For more info about this study, visit Understand college costs, explore average salaries, and expected demand for jobs at Studies show that education pays for itself. Engage your passion for learning to increase your earning potential, expand your employment options, and broaden your horizons. INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST OF ATTENDANCE AT SUNYWCC: EDUCATIONPAYS NON-NEWYORK RESIDENTS PAIDDIRECTLY TO THE COLLEGE ESTIMATED COST AFTER APPLYING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PACKAGE THESE EXPENSES ARE DIFFERENT FOR EVERY STUDENT ANDWILL VARY APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID TOBE ELIGIBLE FOR AWARDS LIKE THIS NEWYORK RESIDENTS Calculate a personalized estimate at howmuch Estimated tuition and fees -$4,836 -$12,226 Estimated books and supplies -$2,400 -$2,400 Estimated personal expenses -$1,600 -$1,600 Estimated transportation -$2,400 -$2,400 Estimated roomand board (off-campus) -$6,400 -$6,400 Estimated aid, grants, and scholarships +$8,468 +$7,222 Estimatedwork-study award (if eligible) +$1,984 +$1,984 Estimated annual net cost $7,184 $15,820 WHOPAYS THE NEWYORK RESIDENT TUITIONRATE? If you have lived in New York State for at least 12months, or have attended a New York high school for at least 2 years and graduated, youmay be eligible for New York resident tuition. Review the requirements at