Fall News 24

News at SUNY Westchester Center for the Digital Arts SUNY Westchester Peekskill • 27North Division Street Peekskill NY10566• 914-606-7300 18 The theme, “Co-creating with AI: Studio Art Practice on the Precipice of the Next Terrain,” delves into the dynamic relationship between artists and evolving technologies in the 21st century. In the midst of the 4th Industrial Revolution, where the trajectory of human-machine collaboration remains uncertain, the discussion aims to explore the potential for a transparent interface, where our bodies become direct transmitters of data across global networks. The central question at the heart of the panel discussion revolves around the role of AI in studio art practice. While some may view AI as a potential competitor for artist jobs, the panel proposes a more optimistic perspective—that AI can serve as a co-creator, propelling artistic endeavors to new and innovative heights. The dialogue will delve into the delicate balance between leveraging AI’s capabilities to increase efficiency, automate tasks, and synthesize data, while ensuring that it enhances rather than eclipses the human element in the creative process. Acknowledging the looming possibility of a future where AI and humans collaborate seamlessly, the panel aims to address concerns about potential pitfalls, such as the generation of algorithmic garbage that could undermine the meaningful output of human artists. The overarching goal is to explore ways in which AI can be harnessed to save time, illuminate new creative pathways, and allow humans to maximize their creative potential. Ultimately, the panel will scrutinize whether the benefits of co-creating with AI can outweigh the potential costs. By engaging in a thoughtful and nuanced conversation, the discussion aims to contribute valuable insights into the evolving landscape of art and technology, offering attendees a glimpse into the future of collaborative creativity in the age of artificial intelligence. The panel will be facilitated by Dr. Sherry Mayo. Panelists participants include designer Gerry Katzban, who has a diverse background in graphic design, industrial design, environmental studies, and fine art along with a deep interest in science and technology; Ben Moss, who has worked in IT, education, and graphic design with an interdisciplinary focus across art, social studies, and computer science; Aaron Porter, a graphic artist and illustrator who focused on scientific illustration and teaches a broad array of art technology; and 3D Animator Joe Thomas, who considers himself a CG generalist, a character and creature artist, and a digital sculptor. CO-CREATING WITH AI Studio Art Practice on the Precipice of the Next Terrain Thursday, October 24, 2024, 6:00–8:30p.m. Dr. Sherry Mayo Center Director Panel Facilitator Gerry Katzban Panelist Benjamin Moss Panelist Tony Rizzaro Panelist Joe Thomas Panelist Aaron Porter Panelist Visit the center’s 30th Anniversary page at www.sunywcc.edu/peekskill-30th for full bios of the panelists.