Fall 2024 WDCE Booklet

Visit us online at www.sunywcc.edu/wdce | 34 LIFELONG LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IN-PERSON Native Herbals: Their History and Uses Learn the history and medicinal uses of our native flora, including goldenrod, spicebush, and boneset. Students will make their own remedy to take home. Meet in the Lady Bird Johnson Demonstration Garden on campus; park in Lot #1. CE-GRDN 2082, 1 Thur., Oct. 3, 11:00 am–12:30 pm, $41. C. Pierson. #98003 IN-PERSON Native Plant Center Garden Tour Explore the collections of The Native Plant Center on a guided tour of its demonstration gardens in their fall glory. Discover the range of styles and functions - come away with inspiration for your own garden. Meet in the Lady Bird Johnson Garden on campus; park in Lot #1. CE-GRDN 2136, 1 Fri., Oct. 4, 1:00-3:00 pm, $57. P Butter. #98004 IN-PERSON Get the “Dirt” on Soil Soil is alive with microorganisms that help provide garden plants all-important nutrients. Learn the basics of soil science (texture, structure), how to foster and maintain soil health, and why a soil test is a good starting point. Create a living soil, and reap its benefits for years to come. CE-GRDN 2134, 1 Sat., Oct. 5, 10:00 am-1:00 pm, KNC-5, $82. D Himmelman. #98005 IN-PERSON Advanced Plant Identification in the Field Spend the class outdoors practicing the use of field guides and taxonomic plant identification keys. Prerequisite: Plant Identification in the Field or equivalent coursework in botany. Meet in the Stone Cottage Garden on the college campus. Dress appropriately for the weather. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide required. CE-GRDN 2050, 1 Thurs., Oct. 17, 10:00 am–12:00 noon, $57 (+ textbook). J Schuler. #98006 Designing Native Plant Gardens Learn how to assess and analyze an existing site and how to develop a beautiful, beneficial design plan that encourages birds and pollinators and incorporates sustainable principles. CE-GRDN 2015, 2 Tues., Oct. 8 & 15, 7:00–8:30 pm, GTW-135, $82. L Becker. #98007 Meadowscaping at Home Consider turning part of your lawn into a beautiful, low maintenance, and ecologically beneficial haven. Learn how to create a native meadow or a meadow-like garden using the best native plants for pollinators. CE-GRDN 2041, 1 Wed., Oct. 9, 10:00 am-1:00 pm, $82. K Eierman. #98008 Unlocking the Mysteries of Native Plant Selection When choosing native plants, you need to ask the right questions to get the best results. Let’s sort out the mysteries and complexities of native plant selection including: Are native cultivars OK to use? Am I buying a genetic clone? What are local ecotypes? Are dwarf nativars ecologically useful? What’s the tradeoff with double flowers? Which native plants require pollination partners? ...and much more. CE-GRDN 2135 1 Tues., Oct. 16, 10:00 am–1:00 pm, $82. K Eierman. #98009 In the Field: Become a Community Scientist Everyday people across the country are recording their observations of plants and animals in the name of science. You can, too. Learn about “Citizen” or “Community” Science and how to use identification and reporting apps such as SEEK and iNaturalist to help learn more about local flora and fauna, their habitats, seasonal changes and to advance research. The class will spend time in the field for hands-on experience. A smartphone is required. CE-SCI 2062 1 Fri., Oct. 18, 10:00 am-12:00 noon, CLA-203, $57. R Finkelstein. #98010 Gardening for Hummingbirds Ruby-throated hummingbirds are amazing creatures and always a wonder to see. Make your yard a haven for these tiny flying jewels with a great selection of native plants that provide food sources and nesting sites all season long. CE-GRDN 2132, 1 Sat., Oct. 19, 10:00 am-12:00 noon, KNC-5, $57. D Himmelman. #98011 Effortless and Evergreen—Deer-Resistant Native Groundcovers Move over pachysandra, myrtle, and mulch. Discover the many native groundcovers that are easy to grow, shunned by deer, and offer year-round interest. Create a living mulch that provides seasonal beauty, is beneficial to wildlife, and moderates soil temperature and moisture. CE-GRDN 2119, 1 Tue., Oct. 22, 9:30 am–10:30 am, KNC-5, $36. M Fabel. #98012 Gardening Strategies for the Climate Crisis The urgency of the climate crisis has never been greater—more severe and erratic weather, record losses of native species, and an increase of invasive species. Discover gardening strategies to reduce the impacts of climate change and improve your surrounding environment. CE-GRDN 2126, 1 Wed., Oct. 23, 10:00 am-1:00 pm, $82. K Eierman. #98013 Landscaping for Higher Ecosystem Function A landscape may be beautiful but have little ecological value. Find out how to leverage the ecosystem function in your landscape to support wildlife and people. CE-GRDN 2064, 2 Wed., Oct. 30-Nov. 6, 10:00 am-1:00 pm, $133. K Eierman. #98015 IN-PERSON IN-PERSON IN-PERSON IN-PERSON REMOTE REMOTE REMOTE REMOTE LIFELONG LEARNING & ENRICHMENT