Fall 2024 WDCE Booklet

Visit us online at www.sunywcc.edu/wdce | 28 LIFELONG LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT REMOTE Self-Care for Caregivers The emotional and physical demands involved with caregiving can put strain on every aspect of a caregiver’s life. Learn resources and tools to help you provide care for yourself as you care for others. Caring for others and managing all the other stressors in your life can affect your own physical, emotional and mental health. Come learn how to stay healthy during difficult times. Designed for the layperson and healthcare professional. CE-PRSDV 2185, 2 Sat., Oct. 19 & 26, 10:00 am-12:00 noon, $50. J Ricks. #97905 REMOTE Creative Conflict Resolution Skills Learn effective communication skills to deal with conflict resolution. Practice paraphrasing, active listening, empathetic listening, and “I statements” for successful resolution in work and personal life. CE-PRSDV 2061, 1 Mon., Sept. 9, 4:00-7:00 pm, $45. P Prutzman. #97968 Creative Responses to Bullying Explore what bullying is, including relational aggression and cyberbullying. Participants will practice methods of interrupting bullying behavior and examine the relationship between bias and bullying. CE-PRSDV 2063, 1 Mon., Sept. 30, 4:00-7:00 pm, $45. P Prutzman. #97979 REMOTE Creative Problem Solving In this course, students will practice the problem-solving skills of fluency, flexibility, and elaboration. Fluency is the ability to think of many ideas, flexibility is the skill of thinking of alternative uses for something, and elaboration is the ability to expand thoughts into other ideas. Problem-solving methods will be presented and practiced in class. Students will experience “mind benders” which visually show many different points of view. CE-PRSDV 2209, 1 Mon., Oct. 7, 4:00-7:00 pm, $45. P Prutzman. #97980 IN-PERSON Your Walk in Life: A Guide to Transforming Your Pain into Peace Learn how to develop healthy coping and listening skills through case study work, workbook and journaling exercises, and small group discussions. This course will be a unique healing and reflective journey for those interested and impacted by mental health. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-PRSDV 2208, 7 Wed., Sept. 18-Oct. 30, 12:00-1:30 pm, AAB-304, $130 (+ textbook). A Servodidio. #97904 IN-PERSON Boost Your Memory Power Everyone can benefit from a better memory. Come learn and practice simple and fun memory techniques including acrostics, acronyms, association, storytelling, repetition, rhyming, and chunking, along with some basic improvisation games. All designed to improve one’s memory! At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-PRSDV 2183, 4 Tues., Oct. 8-29, 2:00-4:00 pm, KNC-3, $110. A Wainer. #98041 Reduce Food Cravings without Depriving Yourself Have you ever heard of anyone being addicted to chicken? Or broccoli? No, never. But, cookies, cakes, and salty snacks, 100%. Why do these foods have a grip on us like no one’s business, especially when we’re under stress? In this interactive session, we’re going to learn why we have cravings for all the wrong foods and how to make new habits to reduce those cravings. You’ll leave the class empowered, inspired, and with an action plan At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-NUTR 2023, 1 Mon., Oct. 21, 6:30-8:00 pm, KNC-2, $30. S Wood #98286 Weight Loss Without Dieting Sick of dieting? Tired of the restrictions, rules, and expensive meals and powders? They might work for a while...but then they don’t. The weight returns leaving you feeling disheartened and frustrated. There’s got to be a better way. Rather than being constrained, limited, and burdened with a list of “off-limit” foods and when you can and can’t eat, you’ll learn how abundance is key in shedding pounds and inches. You’ll discover the role of stress in preventing weight loss and learn which foods sustain and nourish you without compromising on taste. Wouldn’t it be great to never feel deprived or say “I’m on a diet” again? At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-HLTH 2108, 1 Mon., Sept. 30, 6:30-8:00 pm, KNC-5, $30. S Wood. #98287 REMOTE IN-PERSON IN-PERSON LIFELONG LEARNING & ENRICHMENT