77 Appendix 5: Lightcast MR-SAM Appendices BEA Gross Domestic Product by State (GSP) describes gross domestic product from the value added (also known as added income) perspective. Value added is equal to employee compensation, gross operating surplus, and taxes on production and imports, less subsidies. Each of these components is reported for each state and an aggregate group of industries. This dataset is updated once per year, with a oneyear lag. The Lightcast MR-SAM model makes use of this data as a control and pegs certain pieces of the model to values from this dataset. BEA National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) cover a wide variety of economic measures for the nation, including gross domestic product (GDP), sources of output, and distribution of income. This dataset is updated periodically throughout the year and can be between a month and several years old depending on the specific account. NIPA data are used in many of the Lightcast MR-SAM processes as both controls and seeds. BEA Local Area Income (LPI) encapsulates multiple tables with geographies down to the county level. The following two tables are specifically used: CA05 (Personal income and earnings by industry) and CA91 (Gross flow of earnings). CA91 is used when creating the commuting submodel and CA05 is used in several processes to help with place-of-work and place-of-residence differences, as well as to calculate personal income, transfers, dividends, interest, and rent. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX) reports on the buying habits of consumers along with some information as to their income, consumer unit, and demographics. Lightcast utilizes this data heavily in the creation of the national demographic by income type consumption on industries. Census of Government’s (CoG) state and local government finance dataset is used specifically to aid breaking out state and local data that is reported in the MUTs. This allows Lightcast to have unique production functions for each of its state and local government sectors. Census’ OnTheMap (OTM) is a collection of three datasets for the census block level for multiple years. Origin-Destination (OD) offers job totals associated with both home census blocks and a work census block. Residence Area Characteristics (RAC) offers jobs totaled by home census block. Workplace Area Characteristics (WAC) offers jobs totaled by work census block. All three of these are used in the commuting submodel to gain better estimates of earnings by industry that may be counted as commuting. This dataset has holes for specific years and regions. These holes are filled with Census’ Journey-to-Work described later. Census’ Current Population Survey (CPS) is used as the basis for the demographic breakout data of the MR-SAM model. This set is used to estimate the ratios of demographic cohorts and their income for the three different income categories (i.e., wages, property income, and transfers). Census’ Journey-to-Work (JtW) is part of the 2000 Census and describes the amount of commuting jobs between counties. This set is used to fill in the areas where OTM does not have data.