WCC EIS MainReport_AK

15 Chapter 1: Profile of SUNY Westchester Community College and the economy The students’ overall average age was 27 years old.2 An estimated 80% of students remain in Westchester County after finishing their time at SUNY WCC, another 18% settle outside the county but in the state, and the remaining 2% settle outside the state.3 Table 1.2 summarizes the breakdown of the student population and their corresponding awards and credits by education level. In FY 2021-22, SUNYWCC served 1,596 associate degree graduates and 111 certificate graduates. Another 10,708 students enrolled in courses for credit but did not complete a degree during the reporting year. The college offered dual credit courses to high schools, serving a total of 3,002 students over the course of the year. The college also served 3,712 basic education students and 2,613 personal enrichment students enrolled in non-credit courses. Non-degree seeking students enrolled in workforce development programs accounted for 618 students. We use credit hour equivalents (CHEs) to track the educational workload of the students. One CHE is equal to 15 contact hours of classroom instruction per semester. In the analysis, we exclude the CHE production of personal enrichment students under the assumption that they do not attain knowledge, skills, and abilities that will increase their earnings. The average number of CHEs per student (excluding personal enrichment students) was 5.1. 2 Unduplicated headcount, gender, ethnicity, and age data provided by SUNY WCC. 3 Settlement data provided by SUNY WCC. Table 1.2: Breakdown of student headcount and CHE production by education level, FY 2021-22 Category Headcount Total CHEs Average CHEs Associate degree graduates 1,596 13,129 8.2 Certificate graduates 111 700 6.3 Continuing students 10,708 52,004 4.9 Dual credit students 3,002 12,992 4.3 Basic education students 3,712 19,448 5.2 Personal enrichment students 2,613 12,983 5.0 Workforce development students 618 2,903 4.7 Total, all students 22,360 114,160 5.1 Total, less personal enrichment students 19,747 101,177 5.1 Source: Data provided by SUNY WCC. Estimate of average CHEs per personal enrichment student represents an average between basic education and workforce development student values.