Student Code of Conduct Approved: July 3, 2018; Last Updated: August 2023 8 a) leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any College owned or rented facility; b) intentional obstruction which unreasonably interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular, on campus; c) participation in campus demonstrations which disrupt the normal operations of the College; and d) actions that infringe on the rights of other members of the College (i.e. excessive noise, abusive or obscene language in a public place, littering, or boisterous, indecent or threatening conduct which is unreasonable in the area, time or manner in which it occurs, etc.) 7. Drugs & Alcohol a. Possession The unlawful possession of alcohol, controlled substances or dangerous drugs. This includes possession of any alcohol, controlled substances, or dangerous drugs on college property or at college sponsored activities and events that has not been lawfully prescribed to oneself. This can include the possession of prescribed medication to someone other than oneself. b. Use The unlawful use of alcohol, substances, or dangerous drugs, including being under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or dangerous drugs on college property or at college sponsored activities and events. c. Distribution, Delivery, or Sale The unlawful distribution, delivery or sale of alcohol, controlled substances or dangerous drugs. This includes distribution of any alcohol, controlled substance, or dangerous drug on college property or at college sponsored activities that has not been lawfully prescribed to oneself. This can include the distribution of prescribed medication to someone other than oneself. d. Paraphernalia The possession, use or distribution of drug paraphernalia including, but not limited to: bongs, water pipes, or hypodermic needles that are not specifically required for the administration of prescribed medications. NOTE: Please also see the Good Samaritan Policy on page 13 of this document for more information about Drug & Alcohol violations. 8. Endangerment Acting to create or contribute to dangerous or unsafe environments anywhere on or offcampus, which can include reckless or intentional acts, which endanger, or put at risk, the welfare of oneself or others. 9. Fire and Safety Engaging in behavior that disrupts any fire and safety systems, procedures and policies. This can include, but is not limited to: a. damage to, removal of or tampering with any fire safety system, firefighting equipment or other emergency warning equipment; b. intentional or reckless burning or setting fire to any building or piece of property owned or controlled by the College;