Student Code of Conduct Approved: July 3, 2018; Last Updated: August 2023 33 SECTION X: Special Provisions Governing Acts of Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is both an academic matter between a student and their faculty member and a violation under the Student Code of Conduct. The Academic Honesty Policy details action that can be taken by a faculty member. Actions taken by a faculty member are considered academic in nature and not a college disciplinary sanction. Faculty members are encouraged to report all incidents of academic dishonesty to the Office of Student Life. The Director of Student Support Services will maintain a record of the reported incident and may elect to pursue college disciplinary action per this Code. SECTION XI: Special Provisions Governing Acts of Classroom Disruption The college recognizes that faculty members are responsible for effective management of the classroom environment that promote conditions that will enhance student learning. Fortunately, student disruptions in WCC classrooms are rare and seldom lead to disciplinary actions. However, when student behavior is disruptive, a faculty member has the right to respond in a manner as detailed in the Classroom Conduct Policy. Faculty members are encouraged to report all incidents of classroom disruptions to the Office of Student Life. The Director of Student Support Services will maintain a record of the reported incident and may elect to pursue college disciplinary action per this Code. SECTION XII: Student Disciplinary Files and Student Records The Director of Student Support Services will establish a student disciplinary file whenever a case is reported for a possible violation. The file of a student found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct will be retained for at least five years from the date of the sanction. Student conduct records may be retained longer or permanently if the student was suspended or expelled or if there is reason to believe the case could result in future litigation. The release of student disciplinary records will be governed by applicable federal and state laws. A student’s academic transcript shall be noted as follows for cases involving withdrawal with charges pending, suspension or expulsion: • Withdrawal with Conduct Charges Pending: For alleged policy violations, the Director of Student Support Services can direct that a hold be placed on a student’s account who withdrew or leaves the college prior to the disposition of the alleged violation. Transcript comment reads: “Withdrew with conduct charges pending on (date).” The notation will remain on the transcript until appropriate disposition of the violation has been made. • Suspension: Student receives W grade according to established guidelines. Transcript comment reads: “Suspended after a finding of responsibility for a Code of Conduct violation from (date) to (date).” For suspensions related to crimes of violence, hazing or other serious violations, the notation will permanently remain on the transcript. For others, the notation will remain on the academic transcript at least for the period of suspension plus one year. At that time, the student may petition to have the notation removed. • Expulsion: Student receives W grades according to established guidelines. Transcript comment reads: “Expelled after a finding of responsibility for a Code of Conduct violation on (date).” Comment shall not be removed. NOTE: If a finding of responsibility is vacated for any reason, any transcript notation shall be removed from a student’s record.