Student Code of Conduct Approved: July 3, 2018; Last Updated: August 2023 22 SECTION VII: Sanctions The following are sanctions that may be imposed on individuals and/or groups found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct: a. Official Warning: is an official written statement of the College’s disapproval of a student’s actions and a warning that any future violation(s) could result in more severe sanctions which could include probation, suspension, or expulsion. This is not a referral, but rather a written instruction from the College to the student with the expectation that the student modifies future behavior in accordance with the Warning. b. College Probation: is a higher-level sanction issued for serious violations or a pattern of violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student commits another violation during the probationary period. During the probation period, a student may be excluded from some programs and curricular or extra-curricular activities. c. Course Removal: is when a student is no longer eligible to attend or otherwise participate in one or more courses they are currently enrolled in. The student forfeits tuition and fees and does not receive academic credit for the semester in which the course removal occurred. d. Suspension: is an involuntary separation of the student from the College for a definite period of time and/or until certain conditions for readmission are met. A student who is suspended is unable to register for and attend classes, participate in any College activities, or be present on College property. Suspension is a severe sanction and the student forfeits tuition and fees and does not receive academic credit for the semester in which the suspension occurred. A student may be assigned conditions for reinstatement. These conditions may include actions that must be completed, in full, before a student is eligible for reinstatement. The student is not guaranteed readmission at the end of the designated period, but a review regarding eligibility for readmission is guaranteed if a student submits the necessary information. The student must apply in writing for reinstatement to the Dean of Student Life. The student must provide evidence that all conditions for readmission are complete at the time of the request for reinstatement. The Dean may also request additional information they believe will aid them in assessing the student’s readiness for reinstatement. The Dean shall determine if the student is ready for reinstatement. If reinstatement is granted, the student may reenroll for courses beginning the next academic term. The Dean may also impose conditions on the student that must be adhered to if they are granted reinstatement to the college following the period of suspension. If reinstatement is denied, the student will remain suspended for another definite period, determined by the Dean, at which time they may reapply for readmission again at the close of that next period of time. The decision of the Dean is final. Students can submit requests for readmission by visiting and clicking on the "Readmission After Disciplinary Suspension Request" link. e. Expulsion: is an involuntary and permanent separation from the College and will be invoked where extreme violations of the Student Code of Conduct occur. A student who is expelled is permanently prohibited from being on any property of the College, attend any events/activities of the College, and shall not be readmitted to the institution. The