Student Code of Conduct Approved: July 3, 2018; Last Updated: August 2023 17 f. Administrative Conferences will be scheduled around a Respondent’s academic schedule. g. During the Administrative Conference and throughout the student conduct process, the student may have one advisor of their choice. The advisor shall not represent or speak for the student and shall not participate directly in the student conduct process. The advisor may be present and speak privately with the student during any meeting. It is responsibility of the student to find their own support person/advisor. h. Excluding the Student Conduct Officer, participants are prohibited from making their own recording (including, but not limited to audio, photographic, video, and/or written recording). It is up to the discretion of the Student Conduct Officer to record the meeting. The College will maintain any recordings created as required by New York state law. Recordings are the property of the College. Upon written request, a Respondent may review the audio recording and make appropriate arrangements for it to be transcribed on College premises. Arrangements for a transcriber and all associated costs involved in the transcription will be the sole responsibility of the requesting individual. i. The Respondent shall have the right to: i. Receive advance notice of at least five (5) calendar days of the date, time and location of the Administrative Conference they are required or are eligible to attend. This notification will also include a written statement of the violations to the Student Code of Conduct that the Respondent is being charged with. Proper written notification shall be defined as hand-delivery by campus staff, delivery of information via electronic message to a student’s assigned campus email account, or delivery by the U.S. Post Office to a student's local off-campus address. Students shall be held responsible for the contents of mail for which they have refused receipt. i. An opportunity to present evidence, including truthful and accurate information about the incident. Evidence can include, but is not limited to: written documents, photographs, videos, witness testimony, witness statements, and digital media. 1. The Student Conduct Officer will make the final decision related to the admissibility and relevancy of all evidence. 2. Evidence presented that indicates a potential violation of the Student Code of Conduct may be adjudicated at a future time. 3. Character and expert witnesses are not permitted as evidence. ii. Request a delay or continuance of the administrative conference reasonable under the circumstances. The Student Conduct Officer will determine the validity of the request and if the delay will be granted. Delays of this nature can be made for up to five (5) calendar days from the date of the Administrative Conference. iii. A written notification of the outcome of the Administrative Conference and a description of the appeal procedure (if applicable) no later than ten (10) calendar days after the conclusion of the Administrative Conference.