Student Code of Conduct Approved: July 3, 2018; Last Updated: August 2023 16 Student Conduct Officer and Respondent will attempt to resolve the charges made against a Respondent. Typically, the Respondent will meet with the Student Conduct Officer to: i. Review the Incident Report and the alleged code (violations); ii. Learn about the student conduct process and have their questions answered; iii. Give their perspective about the incident and provide relevant evidence; iv. Provide witness information, if applicable; v. Receive a copy of the Incident Report. b. After the Administrative Conference, the Respondent has the option to take up to three (3) calendar days to decide whether or not to accept responsibility for the charges. The Respondent must communicate their decision to the Student Conduct Officer within the three (3) calendar days, in writing via email or in person. Based on the Respondent’s decision, the following resolutions can be made: i. Respondent Accepts Responsibility for the Charges: A Respondent who acknowledges responsibility shall have the opportunity to resolve the case with the Student Conduct Officer by agreeing to an appropriate sanction. Respondents who agree to resolve the case in this manner will sign an Administrative Agreement to resolve the issue and shall have no right to appeal. If the Respondent does not accept an appropriate sanction from the Student Conduct Officer after accepting responsibility, but the Student Conduct Officer has determined that the preponderance standard has been met, the Student Conduct Officer can find the student responsible for the Code violation and a sanction may be imposed. ii. Respondent Does Not Accept Responsibility for the Charges, but the Student Conduct Officer determines that the preponderance standard has been met: The Student Conduct Officer may impose sanction(s). iii. The Student Conduct Officer finds the Respondent Not Responsible and the Student Conduct Officer Agrees: The Student Conduct Officer and the Respondent will sign an Administrative Agreement. iv. Respondent Does Not Attend Administrative Conference or Fails to Communicate in a Timely Manner with the Student Conduct Officer: The Student Conduct Officer, using the information available, will make a determination on the charges. If the Student Conduct Officer finds the Respondent Responsible for any or all of the charges, the Student Conduct Officer may impose sanction(s). c. Imposed sanctions may only be imposed in cases where sanctions will not result in suspension or expulsion. When the Student Conduct Officer believes the appropriate sanction should be suspension or expulsion, the case must be referred to a Hearing. d. When a sanction is imposed, the Respondent maintains the right to appeal the decision as described in Section IX e. A Student Conduct Officer may review the student’s academic transcript, student conduct history, and impact statement(s) to help make their determination on appropriate sanctions. A Student Conduct Officer may also consider additional relevant mitigating and aggravating factors to help make their determination on appropriate sanctions.