Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct Approved: July 3, 2018; Last Updated: August 2023 10 This includes the public posting, selling of, or in any other way, distribution of notes of class lectures, course handouts and outlines, and/or any other College-supplied materials without the express written permission of the instructor. 16. Parking and Motor Vehicle Violations Violating college policies and regulations and/or local, state, or federal law governing the possession or use of motor vehicles. Violations can include, but are not limited to: i. Use of an unauthorized vehicle on campus ii. Failure to adhere to traffic regulations; iii. Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. iv. Causing damage to College property or personal property while operating a motor vehicle. 17. Physical Harm or Violence Intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm to any person or causing reasonable fear of such harm. Students cannot justify such behavior as defensive if: i. The behavior is a physical response to a verbal provocation. ii. The student has the ability to leave the situation, but instead chooses to respond physically iii. In circumstances where such actions are punitive or retaliatory. 18. Prohibited Recreational Activities The use or operation of rollerblades, skates, skateboards, hover boards, bicycles, and similar items inside College facilities. 19. Retaliation Engaging, directly or indirectly, in any action or attempting to harass, intimidate, retaliate against, or improperly influence any individual involved with the Student Conduct System. An intentional act taken against an individual who initiates any sexual misconduct complaint, including stalking of intimate partner violence, pursues legal recourse for such a complaint, or participants in any manner in the investigation of such a report. 20. Solicitation The disbursement of promotional/informational material on College property or on items or personal property on campus (i.e. motor vehicles), taking requests for donations, or the selling or vending of any merchandise or services without prior written consent from the appropriate College official. 21. Student Computer & Communications Technology Violating the College’s Student Computer & Communications Technology Use Policy which can be found 22. Student Group Violations Students are expected to know and abide by the policies and procedures governing their membership in a student club or organization. Prohibited conduct by officers/members of recognized student clubs and organizations may result in referral to the conduct process for