Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct Approved: July 3, 2018; Last Updated: August 2023 9 c. failure to conform to safety regulations, failing to evacuate facilities in a timely fashion in an emergency situation or in response to fire alarms. 10. Forgery, Falsification, Fraud, & Dishonesty Knowingly providing false or incorrect information to any College official or misrepresenting yourself to the institution. This includes altering, possessing, distributing, selling or misusing false documents, records, transcripts, stored data or instrument identification. 11. Gambling Any unauthorized gambling on campus, including but not limited to participation in: games of chance, illegal lottery and policy for money or something of value; promoting or advancing gambling; gambling using College computing/network facilities; possessing gambling devices or gambling records. 12. Harassment Engaging in behavior that is sufficiently severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it unreasonably interferes with, denies, or limits an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the College’s education program and/or activities, and creates an academic environment that a reasonable person would find intimidating or hostile. Activity protected by the First Amendment will not constitute harassment. Harassment may include: a) directing unwanted physical or verbal conduct at an individual based on one or more of that person’s protected characteristics or status, including age, color, race, disability, marital status, national/ethnic origin, religion, military/veteran’s status, sex [including pregnancy], gender expression or gender identity, sexual orientation, domestic violence victim status, criminal or arrest record, political activities or predisposing genetic characteristics; or b) subjecting a person or group of persons to unwanted physical contact or threat of such. 13. Hate or Bias-Related Incident/Crime Intentionally selecting a person against whom an offense is committed or intended to be committed or intentionally committing an act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, religious practice, age, physical or mental disabilities, including learning disabilities, and past/present history of a metal disorder, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct. 14. Hazing Any reckless or intentional conduct in connection with the initiation into, or affiliation with, any organization which degrades, humiliates or endangers the mental or physical health of any person, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate. It can also include activities that damage, destroy or remove any public or private property. 15. Misuse of College Property Unauthorized possession, duplication, or misuse of College property or other personal or public property, including, but not limited to, records, electronic files, telecommunications systems, forms of identification, or any unauthorized use of the College’s hardware, software or network systems.