Diversity Statement Westchester Community College fosters an intentionally inclusive campus culture that celebrates and respects the diversity of the community while acknowledging the differences among the lived experiences of individuals. The college will promote equity, disseminate knowledge, and take visible actions to remove barriers to access and advancement that adversely affect individuals from marginalized communities. 75 Grasslands Rd. Valhalla, NY 10595-1698 SUNY WCC sunywcc.edu WCC Foundation wccf-ny.org wccfoundation@sunywcc.edu. Volunteer Office 914-606-6805 Alumni Office 914-606-6505 Native Plant Center 914-606-7870 Your donations to the Westchester Community College Foundation support critical needs and innovative programs at Westchester Community College, all of which directly benefit students. Visit us on-line to make your tax-deductible contribution: https://wccf-ny.org/support-our-students/ www.facebook.com/sunywcc • www.instagram.com/sunywcc1 • www.linkedin.com/school/suny-westchester-community-college For our full 2024 annual report with more student stories, visit www.sunywcc.edu/annual-report-2024