2024 Annual Report Executive Summary

of WCC students are the first in their families to aspire to a college degree 60% 65 degree & certificate programs 9 academic programs accredited by their respective professional boards & associations 19:1 Student/faculty ratio 22,778 credit & non-credit students* Lowest college tuition in Westchester Full tuition covered by federal & state aid for students from households with income less than $125K. SUNY WCC AT-A-GLANCE Mission: Westchester Community College provides accessible, high quality and affordable education to meet the needs of our diverse community. We are committed to student success, academic excellence, workforce development, economic development and lifelong learning. *Please note students who were enrolled in both credit and non-credit courses are only counted once. 1,285 credentials (degrees & certificates) awarded $2.8million awarded in scholarships 1,500+ receive scholarships & other critical resources $585 million added annually to Westchester County’s economy through college operations & alumni 79% are employed in companies in New York state one year after graduation. 5,837 jobs are supported by SUNY WCC are students of color; SUNY WCC was the first SUNY campus to be designated a Minority and Hispanic Serving Institution. 69% 5 convenient locations 98%+ of faculty & staff hold masters or doctorate degrees in their field Most SUNY Chancellors Awards for Excellence for faculty & professional staff among SUNY community colleges Many of our students are parents. Of 526 survey respondents: 11% reported having children who live with and depend on them for care Most of our students are working. Of 564 survey respondents: Only 29.3% reported working no hours for pay in a typical week while 20.9% reported working over 30 hours per week From the Spring 2024 Community College Survey of Student Engage (CCSSE) 21% from the bottom fifth of income as students, move to the top fifth as adults, ranking 21st on this measure nationwide of two-year colleges.