2024 Annual Report Executive Summary

2023-2024 DONORS WCC Student Government Association Webster Bank Charitable Foundation Westchester County Federation of Women’s Clubs, Inc. Westchester County Government Susan & Marc Wollin Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Yablon Susan Yubas & Michael Benenson M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation, Inc. SCHOLAR’S CIRCLE The Scholar’s Circle recognizes donors who have given $1,000-$4,999 for the benefit of our students. $1,000 - $4,999 Ms. Andrea Alban-Davies Mrs. Jeannine Alexandro Ms. Victoria Alzapiedi American Association of University Women Mr. & Mrs. David Arnow The George E. and Kathleen E. Austin Foundation Mr. Peter Bauer Nadia Bernstein, Esq. Mrs. Laura Blau & Mr. Michael Citro The Blum Family Foundation Mrs. Christine Bobkoff Ms. Elizabeth Bracken-Thompson Ms. Kathleen Brady & Mr. Eric Wheeler The Braewold Fund Ms. Carol Capobianco & Mr. Joseph Squillante Joseph P. Carlucci Mr. & Mrs. John Carroll John Caruso ’74 Leslie Cecil & Creighton Michael CEI Capital Management LLC Mr. Rajasekar Chakravarthi Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Chang Chapman Family Foundation Children’s Village Ms. Susan Cohen & Mr. Gary Biale Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation Ms. Cynthia Crossen Mrs. Toby Crystal Cuddy & Feder LLP DeCicco & Sons Deer Camp Foundation Charlie ’76 & Trisha ’70 Deierlein Estate of John P. Ibelli Faculty-Student Association of WCC Mr. & Ms. John Falk Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Falk Feeding Westchester Mr. Robert Finkelstein Ms. Barbara Fischer Dr. Marta & Mr. Gary Flaum Ms. Deborah Flock Franky’s Field of Dreams Ms. Jennifer Geer Mr. Jeffrey Goldberg Ms. Kathleen Golden Ms. Amy Goldfinger Mrs. Emily Grant Mr. & Mrs. Doug Greene Ms. Susan D. Hacker Ms. Charlotte Harbs & Ms. Gisela Harbs Peter & Karen Herrero, Jr. Ms. Michele Hertz & Mr. Lawrence Friedman Mrs. Joyce Hirsch Mrs. Judith Howard Mr. Richard & The Honorable Anne Janiak Ms. Ellen Kaufman Ms. Jessica Keenan Johnson Ms. Kathryn Keohane Ms. Helen Kho Mr. Johnson Kho Ms. Wilson Kimball Elyse & Barry Klayman Mrs. Wendy Kreeger Mrs. Lois Kroll Dr. Josephine Kuhl Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lee Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Lee Mr. Neil Levenson Lucile & Maurice Pollak Fund Mr. & Mrs. Joe Majsak Mr. Richard Martinelli Dr. Carmen Martínez-López Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Marwell Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius H. Marx Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. McCrosson Ms. Joan McDonald Ms. Elizabeth Metzger Mrs. Marjorie Miller Mr. & Mrs. William Miller Dr. LeRoy Mitchell & Dr. Janice Francis Theresa Mitchell McKeon ’69 Robert Monroe ’64 Mr. Andrew Morgan Ms. Angela Morris Ms. Jamie Moser Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers Netter Foundation Mrs. Anne & Mr. Thomas Niemann Michael Oles ’68 Mr. David Orentreich Park Avenue Charitable Fund Peekskill Elks Lodge BPOE 744 Ms. Theresa Perl Mark Pfaff ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Pforzheimer III Mr. & Mrs. Mark Phelan Mrs. Marjorie Phillips Ms. Clare Pierson & Mr. Peter Humphrey Ms. Marguerite Pitts Mr. & Mrs. John Priesing Charles S. Raizen Foundation Inc. Ms. Robina Ramsay Mr. & Mrs. Michael Romita Scarsdale Woman’s Club Schwartz Family Foundation Mrs. Sarah Schwarzschild Ms. Joyce Seligman Mr. John Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shearer Mr. Xing di Shi Shoprite Supermarkets Mr. & Mrs. Glen Silverstein Honorable Cecile Singer Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Sinsheimer Mr. Gary & Prof. Linda Ching Sledge Ms. Chrystia Slywotzky Mr. Kevin Stamey Ms. Carolyn Summers & Mr. David Brittenham Teatown Lake Reservation Ms. Ellen C. Temple This listing reflects contributions made between September 1, 2023, and August 31, 2024. If your name is missing or incorrect, our apologies. Please contact Kathleen Ryan, Director of Development/Annual Giving, at 914-606-8571 or Kathleen.ryan@sunywcc.edu so that we may correct our records. Thank you for your understanding. Mrs. Karen Thomas Mario Valentini ’72 Ms. Mary Van Hoomissen Mrs. Marcia L. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Watts Westchester Parks Foundation Honorable Lyndon Williams Mrs. Joan Witkin The Woman’s Club of White Plains Harold L. Wyman Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Beth Zadek & Dr. Joph Steckel FRIENDS The WCC Foundation is grateful for the 1,292 supporters who contribute between $1 - $999 towards student success. MATCHING GIFT ORGANIZATIONS The WCC Foundation extends thanks to those corporations that generously match their employees’ contributions. Con Edison IBM JPMorganChase Foundation MasterCard International Novartis NY Life Insurance Office of Government Affairs PepsiCo Foundation United Health Group 15