AL ROCCHI, with Ben Naylor, was recognized for ve years serving as a volunteer math tutor at the Academic Support Center since retiring from his career as a lawyer in 2019. LUCILLE WERLINICH, with SUNY WCC Chief of Staff Ben Naylor, celebrated 23 years of service on the WCC Foundation’s Board of Directors, and 22 years as a Native Plant Center volunteer. LANA HILLER, with SUNY WCC President Dr. Belinda Miles, joined the Conversation Partners Program in 2004 and for 20 years has built relationships with 38 international students, creating a welcoming environment that nurtures both language development and personal growth. The SUNY WCC Volunteer Program hosted two President’s Volunteer Appreciation Luncheons to recognize significant milestones reached by some of our most devoted volunteers. CCAMPIS (Childcare Access Means Parents in School) federal funding for $462,000 in the second year of a four-year grant benefits student-parents who are in financial need by subsidizing 90% of the fee to send their pre-school child to the Virginia Marx Children’s Center (VMCC). This aid, supplemented by a first-time grant of $20,000 from St. Faith’s House that pays the remaining 10% of tuition, removes a significant barrier for student-parents pursuing their education while raising children. Virginia Marx Children’s Center on SUNY WCC’S Valhalla Campus Volunteers Celebrated! On Commencement Day, members of the class of ’74, this year’s Golden Alumni, led the commencement procession, ushering in the newest SUNY WCC grads. This tradition was started by the Class of ’48 when it reached its 50th anniversary. John P. Caruso, Student Government Association President of the Class of ’74, traveled from Minnesota for the occasion and expressed deep gratitude for the memorable afternoon. SUNY WESTCHESTER NEWS The Native Plant Center Celebrates Turning 25 Golden Alumni Class of ’74 Celebrates with SUNY WCC’S New College Grads PARTNERS WITH VISION 12