WCC FOUNDATION NEWS PATHWAYS CAMPAIGN “Viking ROADS may be the most impactful student success program of the college, as evidenced by Chancellor John B. King, Jr. calling for the model to be replicated across the entire SUNY system.” Dr. Michele Campagna, AVP/Dean of Student Success A Student-Ready College VS College-Ready Students Students come to us from a range of backgrounds and experiences and with varying capabilities, but all are eager to embark on their academic journey as soon as they walk through our doors. For those identified as needing extra help, Viking ROADS provides an academic counselor who curates a system of personalized advising and financial, and academic support, allowing the student to begin taking credit-earning courses right away instead of first enrolling in remedial classes and delaying the start of their coursework. An Exemplar of the Campaign’s Impact: Viking ROADS SUNY WCC was one of only two institutions nationwide chosen to receive a $1 million grant from Arnold Ventures in 2018, to replicate CUNY’s ASAP program. This proven model promotes on-time graduation rates by eliminating all impediments to its achievement. Prior to introducing Viking ROADS, the on-time graduation rate for full-time, degree-seeking SUNY WCC students was 15%; our intention was to get that number to 30%. Today’s on-time graduation rate for Viking ROADS students is 43%. Initial results of Viking ROADS involvement also suggest that students are able to take a greater number of credits and make faster progress toward graduation. Dr. Michele Campagna For our full 2024 annual report with more student stories, visit www.sunywcc.edu/annual-report-2024 9