Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2021

Visit us online at | 32 LIFELONG LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ARTS & CRAFTS REMOTE How to Accessorize a Room Learn how to add the final touches to a room through the addition of accessories. Explore a variety of product types and learn how to arrange artwork, ceramics, and soft goods. CE-HOME 2009, 3 Wed., June 9-23, 6:00-8:00 pm, $78. A Concra. #6511 REMOTE Color Palette for Interiors For anyone with an interest for interior design. Create a color palette for your home and learn color basics such as hue, value, chroma, as well as how to use these to add depth and variety to a room. Explore color harmonies and established color combinations. Discover sources of inspiration and how to determine the focal point of a room. Develop a color mood board to use as inspiration to map out the color palette for your home. CE-HOME 2008, 2 Tues., June 8-15, 6:00-8:00 pm, $62. A Concra. #6512 REMOTE Painting En Plein Air Students will focus on outdoor landscape painting, meeting outdoors as the weather allows, all other meetings for class will be held remotely using Zoom. Various locations throughout the local area will be selected. Rain dates TBA. Focus will be on color mixing, light and shadow, and composition. Students will be informed of the great plein air traditions of the Impressionists and the Hudson River School painters. Various approaches to landscape painting will be introduced, including water-mixable techniques in oil painting. When meeting on Zoom, rather than outdoors, the students enjoy painting and drawing with in-depth exploration of landscape composition, materials, priming canvas, and how to plan a painting from outdoor sketches. To register for this class, call 914-606-7300 or email CE-ART 2020PE, 8 Sat., June 5-July 31 (skip July 3), 10:00 am-1:00 pm, $268. #6681 REMOTE Style and Create Beaded Jewelry Have you ever wanted to create jewelry that not only looks great and uses modern design techniques, but also shows your own sense of unique creativity? Explore how to use color, texture and “feel” to construct eclectic pieces that talk to the fashion designer within you! Using a variety of materials and special techniques, you will gain true freedom of creative expression! Beginners are welcome -just bring your personal palette of ideas and be ready to play! For materials list please contact instructor at . CE-CRAFT 2072, 6 Tues. June 1-July 6, 7:00-9:00 pm, $140. R Demers. #6766 REMOTE Mixed Media Printmaking for Adults in 24 Hrs This course will introduce innovative ways to make homemade prints while also introducing how everyday technology like copy machines, computers, and jet printers make printing possible and contemporary. Learning together on Zoom remotely, students will make a portrait print by using a photograph. Drawing from observation and imagination, students will make designs for printmaking projects like tee shirts, posters, and artwork to frame. The instructor will introduce soft linocut, monotype, stenciling, and how to marbleize paper, to create prints on rice paper and other printmaking papers. A fun course for setting up your studio at home, the teaching artist will provide photographs of the set-up of your art materials for each printmaking project in this studio course. To register for this class, call 914-606-7300 or email CE-ART 2334PE, 12 T/Th, June 22-July 29, 6:30-8:30 pm, $300. #6682 REMOTE Painting & Drawing for Adults Get your ideas out of your sketchbook! Make your studio in your home; enjoy painting together and being creative in this Zoom virtual studio class that is interactive. Learn about traditional painting and drawing materials; students will learn from discussion, group critique, examples of art, while honing art skills of observation, gesture, composition, value, color mixing, and brush stroke, etc. The teaching artist demonstrates painting and drawing techniques for portraiture, representing the human form, landscape, abstraction, or your ideas. Students will work individually and collaboratively to make portfolio pieces. To register for this class, call 914-606-7300 or email CE-ART 2146PE, 12 M/W, June 28-Aug. 9 (skip July 5), 6:00-8:00 pm, $268. #6683 REMOTE Fabric for Interiors Do you want to learn how to create your dream interior? Discover the fundamentals of how to select fabrics for interiors. Starting with the basics, learn how to find inspiration, create a color scheme, and develop a focal point for a room. Gain confidence on how to use these tools to develop a fabric room scheme. Explore the special requirements for fabrics for upholstery and window treatments. Fabric sources will be shared and learn tips of how to communicate with a workroom. CE-HOME 2007, 3 Tues., June 22-July 6, 6:00-8:00 pm, $78. A Concra. #6510 ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE The English Language Institute offers English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to meet the needs of learners entering the program at any level, from beginner to advanced. Level is determined by placement exam. Registration instructions are on page 35. GENERAL MULTI-LEVEL ESL Accelerated (5-day) SATURDAY or SUNDAY (all day) EVENING (2-day) Class taught remotely using Zoom, Google Classroom, and other technologies. Classes are live / synchronous and have a fixed schedule. Eight levels of ESL instruction are offered. Each level provides balanced instruction and active practice in all English language skills: listening, speaking (including pronunciation), standard grammar, reading, and writing. New students take a test to determine the level at which they begin study. Our English-only environment for all activities promotes maximum learning. These courses serve the needs of the general learner and learners specifically preparing for college/university study. Instructors are professionals in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Our courses are also offered in Fall and Spring.