Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2021

31 | Visit us online at Textbook Required REMOTE Creative Non-Violence Strategies Learn the principles of non-violence and explore several different historical examples of non-violent strategists including Dr. Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, and Cory Aquino. Learn how to develop and practice your own non- violence. CE-PRSDV 2062, 1 Tues., June 15, 5:00-8:00 pm, $37. P Prutzman. #6538 REMOTE Intro to Mindfulness for Stress Reduction Mindfulness has a long evidenced-based history of helping one cope with stress and move toward calm. NIH studies also demonstrate benefits for sleep and cognition. Discover from the comfort of your home what mindfulness is and learn some skills in a relaxed, friendly online environment. CE-PRSDV 2188, 1 Wed., June 9, $26. S Charbonier. Sec. A: 11:00 am-12:30 pm. #6702 Sec. B: 6:30-8:00 pm. #6703 REMOTE Empowerment through Forgiveness Forgiveness is a choice. By learning to forgive, debilitating anger and resentment are released leading to a healthy self-esteem, and a feeling of empowerment. As negative thoughts are replaced with positive ones, stress and anxiety are reduced, allowing for a more relaxed and happy life. Learn the concepts of forgiveness and its transformative power. Through exercises and discussions, discover the tools necessary to begin the forgiving process. CE-PRSDV 2171VA, 2 Tues., June 8 & 15, 7:00-9:00 pm, $52. L Lush. #6716 REMOTE Mindfulness for Stress: The Next Steps The Intro to Mindfulness for Stress Reduction class is helpful but not required. Join as many of these remote classes as you like to strengthen your practice, ask your questions, learn more skills, and build consistency. CE-PRSDV 2189, 1 Wed., $21. S Charbonier. DAYTIME COURSES: 11:00 am-12:00 noon Sec. A: June 23. #6661 Sec. B: June 30. #6662 Sec. C: July 7. #6663 Sec. D: July 14. #6664 Sec. E: July 21. #6665 Sec. F: July 28. #6666 EVENING COURSES: 6:30-7:30 pm Sec. G: June 23. #6667 Sec. H: June 30. #6668 Sec. I: July 7. #6669 Sec. J: July 14. #6670 Sec. K: July 21. #6671 Sec. L: July 28. #6672 OF SPECIAL INTEREST REMOTE CRISPR’s Potential to Change the World Gene-editing has the power to control evolution. CRISPR is a technology that can be used to edit genes and is already changing the world. CRISPR will transform medicine as it is being used to treat and prevent many diseases (including sickle cell anemia). CRISPR acts like a scissor cutting the DNA at a certain spot and then science can remove, add, or replace the DNA. Learn how Jennifer Douda and Emmanuelle Charpentier won the 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for discovering the main gene-editing tool, CRISPR-CAS9. CE-SCI 2060, 3 Wed., June 2-16, 6:30-8:30 pm, $75. T Riley. #6845 REMOTE DNA Detectives Are you fascinated by how genealogists, DNA and genetics are revolutionizing criminology, cracking cold cases, freeing innocent people, and bringing justice to families? Modern scientific advances in forensics and the determination of investigators to track down perpetrators of horrific crimes by using DNA technology has led to the capture and incarceration of tens of thousands of criminals. Learn about these cases and how they were solved using these advanced methods. Please email instructor at for list of optional books. CE-SCI 2058, 3 Thurs., June 3-17, 6:30-8:30 pm, $75. T Riley. #6533 REMOTE 12 Deadliest Viruses on Earth and the Coronavirus Join us for an in-depth study of the world of viruses. Mankind has been battling viruses for millions of years and untold billions have perished from viral diseases. Smallpox alone has killed hundreds of millions of people throughout history. Hear the latest on Covid-19 and why it attacks some people with catastrophic results and leaves others with minor symptoms. Why do some people experience devastating disabilities after recovery? Which vaccines hold promise? What have we learned from this pandemic? Discuss how the way we work, telemedicine, and school learning is forever changed. CE-HLTH 2099VA, 3 Mon., June 14-28, 6:30-8:30 pm, $75. T Riley. #6532 Our non-credit virtual classes are defined as below: REMOTE Fixed-Schedule: students and instructors report virtually to classes on the designated days, dates, and times they are scheduled for. ONLINE Self-Paced: offerings are asynchronous and students go into their virtual “classroom” to work on assignments, view content, or work at any time, and at their own pace for the duration of the course. If a class is not identified as remote or online, then it will be held on-site and in-person.