Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2021

Visit us online at | 30 LIFELONG LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SPORTS & FITNESS Please consult a physician before attending any physical fitness classes. REMOTE Tai Chi for All Ages Tai Chi is a centuries old exercise that is appropriate for people of all ages and fitness levels. It is taught in slow, relaxed movements that are simple and graceful, and aids with balance, coordination, and concentration. It has long been known to promote health and longevity in Chinese culture, and is often called meditation in motion CE-FITNS 2015, 10 Thurs., June 3-Aug. 19 (skip 6/24 & 7/29), 9:30-11:00 am, $181. K Whitten. #6747 REMOTE Qi Gong Qi Gong is a 3000-year-old technique that trains your mind to direct the body’s life force called “chi.” It is used to achieve mental, physical, and spiritual balance through a series of physical movements and meditations. It helps to develop your own healing energy, achieve balance, alleviate stress, and maintain health and well-being. CE-SPORT 2026, 10 Thurs., June 3-Aug. 19 (skip 6/24 & 7/29), 11:00 am-12:30 pm, $181. K Whitten. #6748 REMOTE Qi Gong Cultivation and Holistic Self-Care This class is based on the Nine Phases of Qi Cultivation as formulated by Dr. Roger Jahnke, of the Institute of Integral Qi Gong and Tai Chi. The focus is on exploring and strengthening your Qi (energy) for your body, mind, and spirit. Included with each class will be classical Qi Gong stretches and flowing movements. Also taught will be self-care techniques through acupressure, reflexology, self- massage, breath awareness and mind focus. You can participate in this class standing or sitting. CE-FITNS 2102, 5 Tues., June 1-29, 9:30-10:45 am, $90. A Blieden. #6587 Golf for All Levels For more information and/or weather-related questions, contact instructor Joshua Dunn, at 917-907-1874 or email: Classes take place at Game on Golf, 701 Dobbs Ferry Road, White Plains, NY. Introduction to Golf Learn the fundamentals of golf. Each student will gain a working knowledge of the game. Class will cover terminology; etiquette; rules; and practical skills for driving, putting, chipping, and pitching. Bring whatever clubs you have. The first class will focus on putting. CE SPORT 2010, 6 Sessions, $155 (+ cost of balls at site). J Dunn. Sec. A: Tues., June 1-July 6, 6:00-7:30 pm. #6516 Sec. B: Tues., June 13-July 17, 6:00-7:30 pm. #6517 Sec. C: Sat., June 5-July 10, 5:00-6:30 pm. #6518 Sec. D: Sat., July 17-Aug. 21, 5:00-6:30 pm. #6519 NEW! Short Game Golf Learn putting and chipping, various types of shots and reading greens and rough. Including sand shot, flop shots, and bump and run shots and when to use them. Also, learn short putting versus lag putting and keeping a constant tempo. CE-SPORTS 2041, 5:00-6:00 pm, $40. J Dunn. Sec. A: 3 Tues., June 1-15. #6833 Sec. B: 3 Tues., June 22-July 6. #6834 Sec. C: 3 Wed., June 2-16. #6835 Sec. D: 3 Wed., June 23-July 7. #6836 NEW! Golf Swing Thoughts Learn advanced performance-based processes of putting, chipping, pitching, and full swing including irons and woods. Also discover course strategy, etiquette rules, and standards of full 18-hole play. CE-SPORTS 2042, $125. J Dunn. Sec. A: 10 Wed., June 16-Aug. 18, 10:00-11:00 am. #6837 Sec. B: 10 Sat., June 19-Aug. 21, 4:00-5:00 pm. #6838 SELF-AWARENESS REMOTE Creative Conflict Resolution Skills Learn effective communication skills to deal with conflict resolution. Practice paraphrasing, active listening, empathetic listening, and “I-statements” for successful resolution in work and personal life. CE-PRSDV 2061, 1 Tues., June 8, 5:00-8:00 pm, $37. P Prutzman. #6537 REMOTE Creative Responses to Bullying Explore what bullying is, including relational aggression and cyberbullying. Participants will practice methods of interrupting bullying behavior and examine the relationship between bias and bullying. CE-PRSDV-2063, 1 Tues., July 6, 5:00-8:00 pm, $37. P Prutzman. #6540