Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2021

Visit us online at | 24 LIFELONG LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT REMOTE Subjects of Art History This course breaks down artworks through the ages by subject matter. Each lecture will focus on a different subject that the artist chose (or was directed) to depict. We will see stunning examples of portraiture, landscape, history, still life, genre and altered reality painting. Discuss topics such as patronage, and historical, religious, and sociological impacts on the artists. CE-ART 2342, 3 Thurs., June 3-17, 10:00 am-12:30 pm, $90. S Altman. #6843 REMOTE Art Stars of the Baroque Era This series of lectures will explore the rich and beautiful Baroque era of the 17th century and the many influential artists that emerged from it. Examine several artists who were emblematic of their time and place: Vermeer of Holland, Caravaggio of Italy, Velasquez of Spain, Van Dyckof England, Rubens of Flanders, and Poussin of France. Also covered will be their contemporaries and the political, social, and artistic climate of the times in each of these countries. CE-ART 2237, 3 Thurs., July 15-29, 10:00 am-12:00 noon, $68. S Altman. #6490 REMOTE Opera Experience Reunion Class The Opera Experience class reunites remotely by sharing music, poetry, art, and the resiliency of the human spirit. This class is inspired by the pandemic and there will be some operatic arias but not a full opera as customary. CE-MUSIC 2096, 1 Mon., July 12, 10:00 am-12:00 noon, $25. J Mallory. #6839 THE PERFORMING ARTS DANCE REMOTE Ballet for Adults and Teens Explore ballet’s foundations and learn the basics. Class sessions will include barre work, center floor, adagio, pirouettes, as well as petite and grande allegro. Emphasis is on correct body alignment and use of terminology; work on dance combinations to improve technical skill, memory, and performance. Equipment needed: soft ballet slippers, tights, and leotard or leggings (no baggy clothing). For beginners and intermediates. For ages 14 and up. CE-DANCE 2000, 10 Wed., June 2-Aug. 4, 6:00-7:00 pm, $117. I Kent. #6528 Exploring Dance! A collaboration between Westchester Community College and Rivertown Dance Academy Rivertown Dance Academy, located at the TTUMC Arts Center in Tarrytown, provides excellence in dance education without cultural or financial barriers. A comprehensive schedule offers a curriculum in ballet, modern, tap, and jazz dance taught by faculty with extensive teaching, performing, and academic credentials. Individual placement classes and regular progress reports are all part of a Rivertown Dance Academy education. All classes in this box meet for 10 sessions remotely and are $221. REMOTE Adult Ballet Adult Ballet 1 & 2: An introductory/slow intermediate class for adult beginners with little or some dance background, as well as those just returning to dance. CE-DANCE 2007, 10 Mon., June 21-Aug. 23, 6:45-8:00 pm. #6637 Adult Ballet 2 & 3: For intermediate to advanced dancers: a 45-minute barre, followed by center work. CE-DANCE 2008, 10 Wed., June 23-Aug. 25, 9:00-10:15 am. #6638 Open Level Adult Ballet: All levels of adult dancers welcome; class is designed to fit the needs of the students in the room each day. CE-DANCE 2043 10 Sat., June 26-Aug. 28, 10:00-11:15 am. #6639 REMOTE Adult Tap Dancers master tap vocabulary and techniques in classes that emphasize the development of musicality and exploration of a full range of styles. CE-DANCE 2014 Adult Tap 1 & 2: 10 Wed., June 23-Aug. 25, 7:00-8:00 pm. #6636 REMOTE Adult Jazz Technique-based, concert jazz classes consisting of a center barre, progressions, and a combination based in any of the various jazz styles. Progressive levels build dancers’ awareness of body rhythms, coordination, performance quality, and the ability to master increasingly complex and intricate choreography. Adult Jazz 1 & 2: CE-DANCE 2011, 10 Thurs., June 24-Aug. 26, 6:45-8:00 pm. #6640 Adult Jazz 2 & 3: CE-DANCE 2012, 10 Mon., June 21-Aug. 23, 9:00-10:15 am. #6641 REMOTE Adult Modern Dance Progressive instruction introduces dancers to the techniques of Graham, Horton, Limon, and contemporary movement forms. Classes consist of a center barre, progressions, and a combination as dancers explore movement through various shapes of the body, levels, directions through space, and weight transference. CE-DANCE 2013, 10 Tues., June 22-Aug. 24, 6:45-8:00 pm. #6642 914-631-4302  