Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2021

23 | Visit us online at Textbook Required LOCAL LORE & HISTORY NEW! Architectural History Tour of Rhinebeck, Rhinecliff and Staatsburg This is a guided walking and driving tour all within a five-mile radius of the Village of Rhinebeck. Sites include FDR’s New Deal era post office; the site of Aaron Burr’s 1804 pre-Hamilton duel campaign headquarters; early settler residences; sites of Astor, Morton and Ruppert estates; architect Richard Upjohn’s Saint Margaret’s Church; Staatsburgh State Historic Site (Mills Mansion) and more. Alan Strauber, Historian and Program Coordinator of the Historic Preservation Certificate. To register for this class, call 914-606-7300 or email CE-HIST 2149PE, Sat., June 26, 1:00-4:30 pm, (tuition does not include post-tour dinner at Beekman Arms), $40. #6774 NEW! Architectural History Tour of Newburgh This day-long walking tour will include a visit to Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site, the Crawford House Museum, and a tour of Newburgh’s many other iconic buildings. Designers such as Downing, Vaux, Olmsted, Withers, and others will be discussed. We will also examine the tragic period of Urban Renewal when many buildings were lost along with the preservation movement that prevented further destruction in the 1960s and 70s. Johanna Porr Yaun, Orange County Historian, instructor, Historic Preservation Certificate. To register for this class, call 914-606-7300 or email CE-HIST 2148PE, Sat., July 10, 10:00 am-4:00 pm, (tuition does not include independent lunch), $50. #6778 REMOTE The Sixties Examine the decade where the baby boomer generation planted the seeds for a new world order of tolerance and understanding. With discussion of some popular topics of the sixties including politics, sex, drugs and rock and roll, identify the positive and negative outcomes of the era. CE-HIST 2143, 4 Tues., June 1-22, 7:00-8:30 pm, $78 (+ textbook). R Cirulli. #6509 REMOTE Historic Glen Island Walking Tour Originally opened in 1880 and operated as a private amusement park, Glen Island has a rich history spanning almost 150 years. This virtual walking tour will visit the current county park and explore remnants of Glen Island’s storied past as well as the development of New Rochelle and nearby islands in Long Island Sound. CE-TRVL 2048, 1 Tue., June 8, 7:00-9:00 pm, $26. C Gioia. #6524 REMOTE Orphan Trains: Largest Migration of Children in U.S. History Between 1853-1929 over 273,000 children were transported by rail at Grand Central in NYC across America in the largest migration of children in American history. This migration also took place at the same time in Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Scholars estimate that the number of children who rode the Orphan Trains numbered between 400,000-600,000. Learn why it happened, who started it and where the children were sent. Tom Riley is the author of five books on the Orphan Train Era. Books for sale are available on his website: CE-HIST 2052, 3 Mon., July 26-Aug. 9, 6:30-8:30 pm, $78. T Riley. #6763 REMOTE From Orphans to Governors Discover the incredible coincidence of two boys who rode an Orphan Train to Noblesville, Indiana and became Governors of Alaska and North Dakota. One boy was taken in by a farmer at a young age where he worked 7 days a week and after 3 years ran away to join the Civil War as a Drummer Boy. The other boy was picked up by a judge, attended Yale, and after graduation sought his fortune in Alaska as a missionary, lawyer, and businessman. Both governors were childhood friends and maintained their friendship. CE-HIST 2145VA, 3 Thurs., July 1-15, 6:30-8:30 pm, $73. T Riley. #6535 VISUAL ARTS & MUSIC APPRECIATION REMOTE Raphael, the Prince of Renaissance Painters Discover the versatility, diversity, and purity of the greatest works of the Italian Renaissance painter Raphael Sanzio. The course will feature excellent images of Raphael’s major paintings with up close details and specific descriptions of the artist’s technique. Also featured will be Raphael’s drawings. References to the life of the artist as well as major influences will be made as well. All of this will be set in the historical context of the Italian Renaissance. CE-ART 2343, 8 Fri., June 4-July 23, 10 00 am-12 :00 noon. $180. J Coppola. #6847 REMOTE The Great Museums of the World Explore six of the world’s greatest art museums, including the Louvre, the Prado, the Uffizi, the Rijksmuseum, the Hermitage, and the Met. Look at and discuss the many masterpieces these museums house and how they are representative and outstanding examples of their time and place in history. CE-ART 2333, 3 Thurs., June 24-July 8, 10:00 am-12:30 pm, $99. S Altman. #6491 Our non-credit virtual classes are defined as below: REMOTE Fixed-Schedule: students and instructors report virtually to classes on the designated days, dates, and times they are scheduled for. ONLINE Self-Paced: offerings are asynchronous and students go into their virtual “classroom” to work on assignments, view content, or work at any time, and at their own pace for the duration of the course. If a class is not identified as remote or online, then it will be held on-site and in-person.