Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2021

21 | Visit us online at Textbook Required THE WRITING CENTER REMOTE Freelancing for Fun & Profit-Part II In this course, freelancers are encouraged to work for magazines, newsletters, and newspapers that set deadlines for work to be done. Students are encouraged to write every day and seek an audience for their work through lectures, personal appearances, emails, and media marketing. Established writers who would like to share their experiences and help other writers are encouraged to attend and network. Discover how photography can enhance written articles and increase your chances of being hired by a managing editor. CE-WRITG 2124, 3 Thurs., Aug. 5-19, 6:30-8:30 pm, $75. T Riley. #6844 REMOTE Craft of Poetry Workshop An introductory online course aimed at teaching the details of poetic forms and meters with emphasis on the craft and creation of poems. Students will analyze and provide constructive feedback to their peers. Critique and review a famous poem during each class. New poetic forms will be introduced and discussed. Students are encouraged to keep and write in a daily journal. Emphasis will be on writing Italian and American sonnets, villanelles, hybrid, acrostic, haiku poems. CE-WRITG 2121, 6 Thurs., June 3-July 8, 7:00-9:00 pm, $155. L Rhodes. #6767 REMOTE Writing from the Soul Writing is an art form about self-expression. Whether you prefer fiction or nonfiction, journal writing or story writing, this course will help unleash your creativity as a writer with a focus on writing descriptive narratives. Using your five senses, learn to create an emotion and a picture in the reader’s mind. Develop a scene in your story or recall a memory you have entered in your journals. Students will share their work with the class. Necessary supplies: spiral notebook or journal and pens. CE-WRITG 2106VA, 3 Tues., June 22-July 6, 7:00-9:00 pm, $68. L Lush. #6720 LANGUAGES Textbook required unless otherwise noted. Textbooks can be purchased through the campus bookstore by calling 914-347-3858 or by visiting the bookstore’s website at REMOTE Japanese for Beginners Learn to speak and convey messages that are essential in Japanese conversations including greetings, introductions, directions, shopping, and other common expressions of daily living. Learn the basics of Japanese in a short period. CE-LANG 2020, 10 Sat., June 5-Aug. 7, 12:00 noon-2:00 pm, $238 (+ textbook). C Blodgett. #6494 REMOTE Japanese Intermediate Learn conversation patterns from our unique Japanese textbook. By memorizing model verbs, students can master the language quickly. CE-LANG 2021, 10 Sat., June 5-Aug. 7, 9:00-11:00 am, $238 (+ textbook). C Blodgett. #6495  Arts & Crafts  Collegium  Finances & Retirement Planning  Health & Wellness  Languages  Local Lore & History  Performing Arts  Self-awareness  Special Interest  Sports & Fitness  Taste of Westchester  Visual Arts & Music Appreciation  Wine & Food Exploration  Writing Center LIFELONG LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Whether it is a new interest or something you have always wanted to explore, there is a class for everyone. Come join us and open up a world of discovery!