Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2021

Visit us online at | 14 CAREER & WORKFORCE TRAINING To register for the certificate program classes in this section, held at the Peekskill Extension Center, call 914-606-7300 or email REMOTE Digital Photography Certificate-126 Hrs This is a one-year, non-credit certificate program. Students must register for the entire program at time of registration. The culminating experience will be the creation of a photography portfolio and exhibition to share with family, friends, and potential employers to continue their personal and professional pathways. The Digital Photography Certificate will provide new and motivated photographers with a foundation in practice and theory with hands-on demonstrations, lab exercises, assignments, and lecture demonstrations. Students will learn about the proper operation of a camera and achieving correct exposure, composition methods, post processing, and specialized photography. Throughout the experience, students will draw inspiration from the works of historical and contemporary photography. Enhance your portfolio and hone your skills! The certificate program is an intensive course of study over two semesters beginning in Fall 2021, comprised of six individual courses. All interested students should contact the Director, Dr. Sherry Mayo, at or 914-606-7385. REMOTE Social Media Specialist Certificate-60 Hrs This is a one-year, remote non-credit certificate program beginning in Fall 2021. Students may register for the entire program at time of registration for certificate or take courses independently. The culminating experience will be the creation of a social media portfolio that students can share with potential employers or use as a guide to create their own social media consulting business. The Social Media Specialist Certificate provides motivated individuals with a foundation in practice and theory with hands-on activities, in-depth assignments, and lectures including by the instructor and using supplemental resources, such as videos and/or interviews with social media professionals. We give you the tools to become a smart and capable player on the social media stage. When you are done, you will be able to create a powerful social media strategy. The online certificate is an intensive course of study over two semesters, beginning in the fall, with a total of seven individual courses, and three optional electives to choose from. One elective is required during the one-year program. Upon completion of the core courses, participants will have the opportunity to take the Hootsuite Social Marketing exam (exam fees are additional). All interested students should contact the Director, Dr. Sherry Mayo, at or 914-606-7385. NEW! REMOTE Maker Series Join a DIY community and begin some tech-art projects just for fun. Keep growing in new directions by creating actual products through digital projects that output real tangible objects. Rebrand yourself, create patterns and textures on soft and wearable objects, or build a website. The options are only limited by your ability to imagine and make. In our Maker Space we have 3D printing and space for you to refine and build. The following series of three courses provide you the skills you need to make and continue making when you get your next gig! Call 914-606-7300 or email to register. NEW! REMOTE Pattern and Texture Design for Merchandise and You This class will teach you how to create pattern designs using techniques in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. You can then apply them to any number of materials creating throw pillows, T-shirts, hats, socks, blankets, and iPhone cases. Create your own set of holiday mugs, family beach blankets, etc. CE-DGART 2117PE, 3 Sat., June 5-19, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, $250. #6768 NEW! REMOTE Self-Promotion and Branding Learn simple graphic design techniques using a combination of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create various self-promotional items such as wall calendars, post cards, announcements, business cards, pop sockets, key chains, etc. Promote yourself or your business. Get your name in front of the audience that matters. CE-DGART 2118PE, 3 Sat., June 26-July 17 (skip 7/3), 9:00 am-3:00 pm, $250. #6769 NEW! REMOTE Build Websites without Coding Use templates to construct beautiful interfaces, create a modern website that you can update and manage yourself. Learn how to create a website using a drag and drop method, update it, and track analytics. Use it to promote anything from your photography to your writing. Having your own website is a great way to get noticed by potential employers. CE-COMP 2241PE, 4 Sat., July 31-Aug. 21, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, $300. #6770